May 07, 2012 19:45
Having borrowed Raine's truck earlier in the day, Ashe had gone to pick up Grace from school then he went to work on his biggest project in a log time. Cleaning up the garage so he could figure out what he could salvage and what he just needed to replace. The truck was so he could hull out the broken down half demolished convertible body that had been sitting in the far corner for years now. Danny used to sit in it and draw a lot when he was alive. Ashe never really had a way to remove it before but today he was getting it done. The rusted up frame was sitting outside, the truck and chain both still attached to it. Ashe was inside standing on the work bench with a power drill and goggles over his eyes removing screws from the peg board that used to hold up a lot of the tools which he had sat down on the floor earlier. The goggles were for all the dust flying up each time he pulled out another screw and dropped it in the bucket near his feet.
The garage looked a worse mess then it had in ages but Ashe was making progess. Sometimes it takes a mess to get work done. He had sent Grace with some money to go get them some snacks and a few drinks from the corner store, he knew she would be fine. Hell he trusted her walking around more then he would Raine. Grace knew the streets as well as he did. She had survived on them and could keep herself safe. Plus if she didn't return within 20 minutes he would go looking for her. So many old memories in the place, but as worried as he was to leave it all behind he was also excited. A change was what he needed, a change for the better.
!character: ashe corven,
!character: grace corven