Sep 20, 2006 06:50
i've been sick with a nasty head cold for about a week now. on the upshot, i have been given a medicine that permits me to function during the day AND sleep at night (up until yesterday, the two activities were proving to be mutually exclusive).
a bible jumped me the other day. i turned around in the bookstore, and a precariously perching box fell over, dumping a small, blue, leatherbound book into my side before it fell to the floor. i pick it up, discovering that it has a celtic cross tooled into the cover, and silver edging on the pages. i check out the binding, and find out it's an english standard version (ESV) bible. i believe the translation is relatively new. i open up to john 1, noticing as i flip through that it is a red letter bible, and i note that the translation is actually really close to what i remember of the greek, word- and syntax-wise. i check the box which the bible fell out of; low and behold the thing is $20 and has a concordance in the back.
having purchased this particular bible, i find out that it fits quite comfortably into my cargo-pant pockets. i'm slowly working my way through john right now, and enjoying it immensely.
grace and peace to you all
he answered, "whether he is a sinner i do not know. one thing i do know, that though i was blind, now i see." -john 9:25, esv