/ i could hide out under there / i just made you say "under where" /

Oct 29, 2004 01:52

The Rules:

1. Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I'll reply and give you five questions to answer.
3. You'll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed. And it just keeps going, and going, and going.

questions courtesy of soan

1. Why did you chose your username to be "aseariel"?
well, two things led to the development of the name. back in high school a friend of mine got me started on reading name books. since then, naming things has been kind of a hobby for me, especially playing d&d and having to name various characters (and npcs, when i run things). the same friend found a book called "the languages of tolkien's middle earth" by ruth noel in our library. it is, as i'm sure you can guess, a book about names and languages in tolkien's "lord of the rings" and "silmarillion" books, as well as some of his notes. much more is known now than when the book was first published, but i'm happy with it. anyways... my name is lauren, and like many similar names is traced to a latin word meaning "crowned with laurel leaves." in tolkien's elvish, -riel is a suffix meaning "maiden crowned with-" (i.e. galadriel is "maiden crowned with light," a reference to her golden hair), and asea means "leaf." i probably should've made it the plural, but that would've been cumbersome. ^^* so yeah. it's my name roughly translated into elvish.

2. How'd you become a Christian?
this is a boring story. i grew up in the church, accepted Christ when i was really little, and while i have (and do) try to do a lot on my own, i've called God Father and Lord for as long as i can remember. now, the fact that i have yet to be baptized is a more interesting story, especially since i've been trying for over a decade now...

3. How'd you become an artist?
when i was a kid, my parents didn't realize that i needed glasses. rather badly, in fact. i'd sit really close to the tv and watch cartoons, and later try to draw them. i couldn't see things very well, but when i put pencil to paper i'd draw what i remembered about things i looked at up close. maybe that's why a lot of my stuff is accurate, but simple. or maybe i'm just nuts and i like drawing. i don't know.

i also "doodled" during class throughout school (and still do, to a certain extent :) how else does one maintain sanity in boring classes? ) it was the only complaint teachers ever had about me.

mom (at parent-teacher conferences): so, how's lauren?
teacher: well, she draws during class.
mom: are her grades low?
teacher: well, no.
mom: is she disrupting other students?
teacher: well, no.
mom: what exactly is the problem?
teacher:...your daughter doodles during class.
mom: ... *sighs*

if i get the chance, i'd like to pursue art more seriously, but for now God has me here...studying ancient languages :P i can't wait to see how this all works out... XD

4. Have you ever had something strange happen to you? (I.E. have a
prophetic dream, meet a ghost, etc.)

erm... not really. i've had dreams of things people say before they say them, but it's never been anything significant. other than one direct answer from God, i've not personally dealt much with the supernatural. as far as i know O_< though my parents swear my guardian angels (and they assume i have at least 3...) work in shifts since the world seems intent on killing me. i've had so many head injuries it's not even funny. not to mention all the times cars nearly hit me >_<

5. Where do you live? Do you like it there? Is there something you would
change about the place?

that's 3 questions : ) but anyways. this has 2 sets of answers. and they're cheap answers, because i've been working on this thing for 3 days :/ :
--college dorm (in wheaton, just outside chicago). yes. fewer ants and showers collapsing.
--when i'm home: michigan, a couple miles outside detroit. yes. less eminem, more jeff daniels (he is a funny guy).

latin quote for the day:

si vales, valeo.
(if you are well, i am well)

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