Title: you'll take your steps away with hesitance
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sam, Dean
Word Count: 1,975
Summary: Sam doesn't talk about Ava; this is so far from normal Sam behavior, Dean wonders if he should circle back to the Blue Rose Motel and check under the beds for pods.
A/N: Written for
summer_sam_love. Title from "Cautioners" by Jimmy Eat World.
you'll take your steps away with hesitance )
Comments 13
Hate Gordon. Didn't miss him in this at all.
I'd almost forgotten that Sam had taken a walloping at Gordon's hands and Dean had been so solicitous, checking him out as soon as he was freed. You capture that continuing behavior very well here. With a nice foreshadowing that Ava could have turned-...
This just fits so snugly into canon!
This missing scene is a great fit with the episode. While the show alluded to how heavily Ava's disappearance weighed on Sam, it's great to see it fully illustrated here - and totally in character.
Awesome job!
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