drabble requests, part the first

Sep 02, 2008 20:50

These are the first set of drabble requests from this post at my journal (there are still 2 slots left should anyone be interested... ;))

For cursedfire. Takes place during Season 1.

Lilly is smiling.

When Veronica closes her eyes, she can see her friend’s face pressing against her eyelids, blue eyes narrowed mischievously, lips pulled upwards in a grin that told the world, “I have a secret,” (a good one.)

Veronica has her own secret now, a secret for empty bedrooms, backseats, and girls bathrooms with fake out-of-order signs. She wonders what Lilly would think as she presses her lips against Logan’s, hands buried in his hair, his fingers sliding under her shirt, her knees on either side of his lap. She’d probably call her a prude for not allowing him below the waist yet.

“Come on, Veronica,” Lilly’s voice echoes in her brain. “Get naughty already.”

Veronica pulls away suddenly, and Logan senses her hesitance. His hands still on her hips and his brow furrows. “What’s wrong? You okay?”

“Of course you’re not okay! You’re both still fully clothed!” Lilly’s voice tells her.

Yeah, I’m great, Veronica thinks to herself wryly, I hear the voice of my dead best friend in my head while we make out. Do you hear voices, too?

She shakes her head. “Nothing. I’m fine.” She pulls Logan’s mouth back to hers, pressing her hips just a little closer, hoping to drown out the sound of Lilly’s voice in her head that she wishes she wasn’t able to hear anymore.

For dream_mancer. You wanted a random crossover. This is just about as random as it gets XD Takes place some time during Season 5, and around the middle of "Twilight," just after Edward has taken Bella to the house.

“So…crosses can’t hurt you.”


“And you can go out in sunlight.”


“And you’re absolutely sure I can’t stake you?”


Buffy eyed Emmett warily. “Are you sure you’re a vampire?”

Emmett laughed boisterously. “Positive. I still drink blood - just not from humans,” he added quickly as the girl tensed, moving into a stance he recognized as one for self-defense. His skin might be hard as stone, but from what had just been explained to him, this girl had some sort of vampire killing super power. He wasn’t taking any chances. “We - I mean, my family and I - only feed from animals.”

Buffy relaxed instantly. “Oh.” She shrugged. “I suppose I shouldn’t pass judgment so quickly. I did date one of you.”

“No way!” She jumped at his outburst. “Sorry,” he said sheepishly. “But you should meet Bella. She’s dating my brother, and I’m sure she’d be thrilled to know she’s not the only weirdo human around.”

Buffy arched an eyebrow. Emmett smiled sheepishly. “No offense.”

She laughed. “None taken.”

“So where is he?” He asked, peering around. “Your boyfriend, I mean?”

Buffy stiffened, and this time, Emmett could tell she wasn’t afraid, but uncomfortable. He didn’t need Jasper’s power to tell him that she was upset. “We’re not together anymore. Haven’t been for a long time.”

“What happened?” He knew he shouldn’t pry - he had only met the girl just a few hours ago - but he couldn’t help himself.

She shrugged. “Things… got complicated. Or, more complicated than they already were.” She smiled. “Not that you would know anything about that.”

She seemed determined to change the subject and Emmett let her. He chuckled. “Yeah, I’d say. Defining Edward and Bella’s relationship as complicated would be an understatement.” He shook his head. “I can’t understand it.”

“They love each other,” she said with a shrug. “What else is there to understand?”

For saskaia. Takes place some time after "Eclipse," not BD compliant.

She’d never known him when he wasn’t a werewolf, when he wasn’t six foot five, one hundred and eight degrees and able to lift motorcycles like she lifted sheets of paper.

He’d never known her when she was blissfully unaware of vampires and werewolves, innocent in every sense of the word, but never naïve - she was always much too observant for that.

Her life had become a tangled web of fairytales when she met him, of fantasy and reality meshing together to create a world she didn’t recognize.

At first.

He couldn’t imagine existing without her now.

And she couldn’t imagine things any other way.

For jazzebelles. Takes place during BD, during Jacob's POV (best way I can put it without really spoiling anything.)

His hands on her back were cool - too cool. Like ice melting down her spine, only she didn’t shiver because she was cold.

Leah scraped her nails down Edward’s back, smirking as he groaned.

“Satisfied, are we?” he whispered, and she trembled as his lips trailed across her jaw and down her neck.

“We can’t keep doing this,” he murmured against her skin, and she simply groaned, hitching her leg around his waist.

She knew he was right, but she didn’t want to hear him right now. Because the end was always the same.

In the end, she knew that this would mean nothing. He would turn his back and pretend that this never happened.

In the end, he would go back to her.

But she still let him hold her, touch her, kiss her, in dark of night when no one would discover them when she should have told him no.

Then again, she always had always been drawn to people who would break her heart.

For deadduck008. CRACKTASTIC IT IS XD

This wasn’t their brightest idea.

In fact, Tyler would go as far as saying that this wandering away from the campsite in the middle of the night with just one flashlight and not telling anyone where they were going was probably one of their worst ideas.

Ben and Mike were currently stumbling around in the dark ahead of him. He could barely make out Mike, standing with his hand over his eyes and squinting into the darkness ahead of him.

Tyler rolled his eyes. “Dude, I don’t think that’s going to make you see any better.”

Mike glared at him - or at least he assumed he was glaring, he was too far away for Tyler to tell. “Got any brighter ideas, Sherlock?”

“You should be one to talk about bright ideas,” Ben fired back, stumbling over a tree root Tyler himself had almost fallen afoul of just a few moments ago. “I can’t believe you forgot batteries. Who the hell brings a flashlight without batteries? You work in a camping supply store for Christ’s sake!”

“I just forgot, okay! It’s not either of you couldn’t have brought your own as a backup!”

Ben was about to retort when Tyler physically stepped in between them. “Okay, enough, both of you. It’s late, we’re all tired, we’re lost, and we have to somehow find our way back to our campsite.”

“When did you become the voice of reason?” Ben grumbled morosely, crossing his arms across his chest.

“When you two became the voices of idiocy. Now, let’s all play nice and -“

Tyler never finished his sentence. The snap of a twig made the three of them freeze.

“What was that?” Tyler would have made fun of the way Mike’s voice had cracked, but a growl pierced through the silence.

Instead, he swallowed hard. “Ben, tell me that was your stomach.”

Ben shook his head.

In any other situation, the way the three of them simultaneously turned their heads would have been comical. This is the way bad horror movies start, Tyler thought to himself, terrified, as he came face to face with a giant, brown wolf with dark brown eyes, larger than any of the three of them, and bringing only one term to mind.

“Are you seeing what I’m seeing,” he whispered to the other two, backing away slowly.

Mike seemed incapable of speech. Ben could only squeak, but he had the most intelligent idea out of all of them - he turned and fled, screaming in the other direction.

Tyler and Mike followed close behind him. Shit, Tyler thought, running even when he was sure they weren’t being followed, werewolves do exist.

He might have been mistaken, but the sound of howling on the wind sounded strangely like the werewolf was laughing.

crossover: twilight/btvs, fandom: twilight, pairing: none, fandom: veronica mars, pairing: seth/angela, pairing: edward/leah, pairing: logan/veronica

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