Catching Lilly

Jan 09, 2008 21:56

Title: Catching Lilly
Pairing: Implied Logan/Veronica
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 859
Summary:Somewhere in the back of your mind, you can hear Lilly laughing.
one more look at the ghost before i'm gonna make it leave

the echoes there of me and you
the voices that are carrying this tune
haunted - poe

The memory of Lilly Kane still haunts you, every single moment of every single day. She's like an echo, a shadow in the back of your mind, a memory that comes to life when you least expect. You can still hear her laughter, still hear her voice. Sometimes, she speaks to you. Sometimes, you listen.

Sometimes, you don't want to hear what she has to say.

"Logan, huh?" she asks with a wry smile. This is one of those times you ignore her, continuing to flip through the file on Mr. George Bailey, who you'd caught in a most compromising position the previous night with a woman who was most definitely not his wife. Mrs. Bailey and her three-year-old daughter were going to be devastated.

You hate breaking up families.

"Earth to Mars!" Lilly says, making her presence known by slamming her hands on the desk on top of a picture you were most certainly not just examining. "Did you not just hear a word I said?"

"I heard you, Lilly," you say, shifting her hands away, as if she could leave phantom fingerprints on the photo. "Yes. Logan."

"Well, la dee da, Veronica Mars. From Duncan Kane to Logan Echolls. I never would have thought you had it in you."

You're back to ignoring her again. Lilly perches herself on the arm of your chair and gives you a Cheshire grin. "Did you sleep with him yet?"


Lilly sighs. "He's awfully good in the sack."

You slam the file shut and stand up, walking towards your father's office. "Okay, we are so not having this conversation."

"Veronica," Lilly says in that doggedly impatient voice of hers while you flip through your father's file cabinet under "G" instead of "B." You wonder why you can't find the rest of Mr. Bailey's file, and when you realize your mistake, you sigh.

Lilly darts directly in front of you and you slam the drawer shut. "Lilly!"

"What?" she says innocently, gesturing her hands around in front of her. "I'm trying to get your attention!"

You narrow your eyes and cross your arms. "Fine, you have it."

"Good. Now, keep up with me here, V." You almost laugh. Keeping up with Lilly is like trying to keep up with a gazelle running full speed. You could never keep up with Lilly.

"You have something good going here, something really good from what I can see. And I see you, Veronica. When people start to get close... you pull away."

You both hear the door open, and Lilly takes a few steps backwards. She points two fingers in your direction. "Don't screw this up, V. I'll be watching." She winks.

Then, she's gone.

"Lilly!" You hiss.

The file slips from your fingers and falls to the floor, lewd photographs scattering across your father's office. There is no response. Of course there isn't.

You hate knowing you've just spoken with a ghost.


You go to the park to watch the children playing, just so you can feel innocent again.

Their laughter rings through the air as a line of them run past, one after the other, screaming, yelling. You can't help but smile as a little girl, blonde curls bouncing, runs after them. You catch her eyes, blue, deep, and the word Lilly sticks to your tongue like something bittersweet. She's screaming, "You can't catch me! You can't catch me!" as another blonde girl, this one a little slower, a little shorter, but still smiling, runs after her with her arms pushed out in front of her.

You turn your head and walk away, but her voice still echoes in your ears.

"You can't catch me! You can't catch me!"


You forget all about innocence and blue eyes and how children will always remind you of her when he kisses you.

You're not quite sure why he shows up at your apartment, but when you open the door, his mouth is on yours without preamble, and you struggle to get the door closed without untangling yourself from his arms.

You fall onto the couch in a heap, all lips and tongue and roaming hands. His teeth nip at your lip as his fingers slide under your shirt and you gasp, arching your back. Logan, you breathe, and you're not quite sure why you say his name, but he's kissing your jaw, your throat, your shoulder. You think, Lilly once kissed him like this, and you wonder why you're thinking about your dead best friend when her boyfriend ex-boyfriend is thinking of you, only you.

He moves to take off your shirt, and you still. He senses the change in the atmosphere, freezes. Then, he slowly but surely moves to sit up. You're still half in his lap, and you don't want to move, but you're not quite sure what to say. Lilly wouldn't have stopped, you think, and you think about what she said about screwing things up. But I'm not Lilly.

Somewhere in the back of your mind, you can hear Lilly laughing.

fandom: veronica mars, pairing: logan/veronica

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