
Multimedia Update, Audio-Visual Edition

Jun 05, 2014 20:20


Checked off "see latest Disney movie" with Redbox and Frozen. It was cute, but I would have liked this a lot more at a different point in my life, or with small children for movie night company. Or maybe if I hadn't heard "Let It Go" a few dozen times first. Idina Menzel is to be saluted for making what I hope is a pile of cash on the royalties.

I wasn't particularly attached to the idea of seeing Captain America: the Winter Soldier in theaters, but found myself compelled by the tumblr gifsets to see it in time to catch up with people's reactions. It had a predictable concentration of explosions and, as noted by some reviewers, a remarkable lack of Winter Solider, given the title. It'll be interesting to see how the changes in the film rebound in Age of Ultron, next summer.

X-Men: Days of Future Past has not crossed my path. Yet. There's a matinee on this weekend's to-do list.


The Elementary S2 finale was satisfactory, in an OH SHERLOCK HOLMES NO and "Joan Watson, still the functional adult" way; the B5 rewatch is paused at "Phoenix Rising". A decade-plus later, I hate Byron even more. He's bad decision boy, all the time! Because clearly Nonviolence Is The Answer Except For Invasive Scans of Nontelepaths Because I Have Angry Feels is a consistent moral position. (And that's why, even though the telepath arc is a hot mess, and Garibaldi's mid-S5 arc makes me want to shake the man sober, I am totally willing to buy he'd fall off the wagon so very hard.) At this point, Byron is my third-favorite villain in the universe (after Bester and Morden).

In more recent franchises, I watched episode 1x18 of Agents of SHIELD, a mid-arc episode with Coulson also having a Feelings Day, and yet somehow not leading his people to a fiery death (barely)AofS is a poignant reminder that B5 didn't hit its stride until S2. So I may come back to it sometime later. (To everyone who suffered Ward before the spoiler: I feel for you.) There's miscellaneous additional shows in the queue (cough, The Wire, cough) which are of sufficient reputation to jump the queue.

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