
Journal Chronology and Initial Locked Rooms Reactions

Jul 14, 2005 15:30

Journals can be episodic in weird ways - blogs do top-posting, so it's very possible to read events in reverse order of what the author (sort of) intended.

This observation brought to you by the comment, "brief notes on audiobooks, while we're on the topic..." which is in the rare position to work from either top or bottom.

In unrelated news, the library called yesterday to let me know Locked Rooms was on hold for me. Finished it by 8 PM, and thoroughly enjoyed it, to my shock. The Holmes/Russell series is not deep, or profound, or particularly anything except fun, which slipped my mind when I read the last few new books. Not this time. I am deeply peeved that the memories function isn't working (again) so I can't get to the spoiler-posts I tagged.

a: king laurie, links, 2005 reading

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