Jun 16, 2004 10:20
Rearranging my friends list. If I recently friended you, it's probably because you write intriguing posts or fanfic or you have a nifty photojournal. If you write fic, I probably need to send you feedback explaining how I found your stories and why I like them. (Short version: web browsing, and you used spell check, grammer check, and wrote cool OCs. Good original characters make my day.)
Friending policy: "Friends list" is a misnomer. It's actually serving the dual purpose of "people I know in real life, who frequently use spellcheck and do not make life out to be a veil of tears" (that last annoys me more than I can articulate) and "interesting reading material." If you think I should friend you, and I haven't, comment, IM or email to persuade me of the terrible mistake I've made in not adding you to my regular reading. If I've defriended, it's probably because our interests are moving apart. Again, comment, IM or email to explain to me the terrible mistake I've made.