today, we went snowboarding. we meaning, me, van, alice, my aunt, ha, and her boyfriend, huy. it was fun. it's not the first time we've been snowboarding. our first couple of times was the winter of 2008 i think? but yeah, we didn't go at all last year because of our conflicting schedules. but we were all able to go today. (: as i said earlier though, it was fun. more fun than the last times we had went, maybe because we improved as snowboarders and didn't fall as often (although we still fell quite a lot, haha.) none of us brought our camera along because we usually don't take many pictures anyways, but maybe next time.
after snowboarding, we went back to ha's house to rest a little, and then we went to an asian buffet, haha. the food was alright, but nothing special really.
yesterday, we were also at ha's house. she had a little church gathering thing, and there was good food, so we came. xD afterward, we went to red mango to get some frozen yogurt. it was alright, but i'm not a big fan of yougurt, so i didn't enjoy it as much. xD huy went home after that, and us girls went back to ha's house to prepare for snowboarding the following day.
lots of laughs created these two days. it's been a while since i've laughed so much.
and long time no update. i've been writing about california and saving drafts because my experience is so long, so i think i get lazy to blog after so yeah, rofl. but expect a california update soon, or not very soon! (: