Oct 19, 2010 23:18
I have a personal web page (www.naftee.com), but people don't care about personal home pages anymore, unless you're somebody famous in popular culture. The problem with those is that there are so many of them. People don't log on to the Internet and say, "hey, what new person am I going to discover today?" If the person is a girl, she'll first check her e-mail or her facebook account, and those are her big priorities. A guy will have an e-mail and social network check, but he'll more likely choose a funny video site, like MSN (mine is www.wimp.com).
That's the reason for the abysmally low hits on my new home page. There are so many sites out there that people focus on the major ones (facebook, e-mail) and have their own personal favourites (wikipedia, ebay) that they'll visit. One has to stumble across a personal web page through one of these major sites for it to make any difference. For instance, I have a home page already that lots of people can visit easily; my facebook account. This blog already has more readership than my blog on naftee.com. Yes, dear reader, you make my day, I like.
But I guess I prefer the personal website because in a way it's more anonymous. If I post stuff to my facebook account, people will see it and, god forbid! talk to me about it in person. Yes, I'm THAT shy. I'm talking about my musical compositions. But I really should try putting some stuff on youtube. I could, say, play guitar and upload that. A cinch, really. Just have to make it searchable.