
Aug 30, 2006 00:13

Been asked some very weird questions over the past few days, and thought i shd jot them down. Rather funny actually...hehe.

Musing 1
Mark: Is that your original hair colour?
Me: Erm....yeah? U know i'm asian, right?
Mark: Yeah, but it's...SO black! How did u get it so black??
Me: Erm...right...

Weird... like, hello! I'm asian.

Musing 2
During jap culture class...
Tracy: Hey, how old are u?
Me: Oh ho ho, i'm old.
Tracy: How old? 20?
Me: Erm...higher?
Tracy: 21?
Me: Higher.
Yvonne: (watching the convo going on) 23?
Me: Hahaha...higher.
Tracy: (pitch going up a notch) 25?
Me: Nah...24.
Tracy: OMG??? U're 24? U don't look 24!
Yvonne: Yeah, u look so much younger!
Tracy: I thought u were like 20. Or like 18, but cuz u're smart u entered uni early. (Turning to Adam and writing the number 24 on her palm and showing it to him) Adam! Adam! What do u think this is?
Adam: (pauses) 24?
Tracy: That's his age! (pointing to me)
Adam: What?

Hahahaha. I'm 18? 20? As it is, asians look younger than caucasians...but these were asians who were asking me my age! Thank god for youthful looks, i guess. *grin*

PS: this song rocks!
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