picspam: yellow/orange.sunlight and penelope in "the brothers bloom"

Sep 01, 2009 17:40

picspam: yellow/orange.sunlight and penelope in "the brothers bloom"
for challenge #12 @ picspammy

As soon as I read the new challenge at picspammy, a gazillion ideas popped into my head. Taking Fil Lit was a blessing and a curse. I may have to do red in American Beauty or the color in Schindler's List, and I'll definately do one with Ilsa and her costumes in Casablanca.

But the other one I thought of was The Brothers Bloom. This movie is pretty much perfect, as it has a fun, engaging and interesting plot, amazig actors and brilliant writing. In addition, Rian Johnson, the writer and director of the film had a very specific vision and it is executed perfectly.

Johnson did this really awesome podcast/commentary to encourage people to see the film again in theaters and listen to the commentary on their mp3 players while watching. He calls it the film nerd version, because he talks more about the influences of the story and the colors and camera angles and fun things like that.

One of the things that's really emphasized in the film (especially after you hear Johnson mention all of the moments) in the use of the colors yellow and orange and sunlight in connection to the character of Penelope. This connects with her namesake Penelope of The Odyssey. In addition, there are connections in the movie/characters to the myth of Daedalus and Icarus, which also heavily fetures the sun.

Seriously, check out the commentary if you get the chance. Hopefully it will be featured on the DVD release; it's totally insightful.

Anyway, I chose to picspam Penelope (Rachel Weisz) and her visual connection to light, the sun and the colors yellow and orange.

Note: there are some vauge visual spoilers for the film. If you are super sensitive to that kind of thing, please wait until after you've seen the film.

Our first introduction to Penelope: her bright yellow car and the sunlight streaming behind her.

The lights behind her; the moon and the orange lamp on the ship; the orange mimosa glasses on the table.

Bright yellow taxi! Also, the stained glass behind her in the last shot is depicting a scene from the myth of Daedalus and Icarus.

Penelope's orange umbrella; the sun rising after a signifigant scene involving Penelope;

Sunlight on the side on Penelope and Bloom (Adrien Brody); her orange dress; sunlight right above Bloom (Icarus).

The pathway of lights.

Bloom, surrounded by light; the brothers in front of a painting/backdrop of a setting sun; Bloom in the sun.

Surrounded by a gazillino yellow flowers, the sun behind Penelope.

Looking up towards Penelope and the bright yellow sun behind her.


Yay! Pretty! Comment if you liked it, or if you want to chat about how amazing/beautiful this film is.
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