Page 54

Oct 21, 2011 15:06

Title: Page 54
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Rating: G (is there a rating less than G?)
Warnings: Dramatic pulp novel writing.
Summary: They were enemies on the battlefield but they were allies in love!

Thrust into a bitter struggle between faith in humanity and hope for a mutant future, between optimism for the future and despair over the past, between academia and action, two lovers stand on the precipice of war that will engulf all those around them - the passion of their love is equal to the passion of their conflicting ideologies!

This frank and sometimes shocking modern story of love and war and mutant oppression establishes Stan Lee as one of the boldest novelists of our time!   -- sharpestscalpel
A/N: Written for the prompt here, for a nonnie that wanted pulp novel style thing. This is just an excerpt from this tragic tale!

Page 54

There's the opening and closing of a door and Erik turns his sharp eyes to the source. He lets out a dark laugh.

"You cannot think anything of this."

"And you cannot expect me to believe that, Erik."

Charles' blue eyes shine in what little light there is.

"Believe what you will, you know that I am right, Charles."

"My friend," Charles says as he brushes dust of his grey suit, "murder is never right."

Erik sighs and walks across the room, cape swishing along with him. He opens his mouth to speak but Charles interrupts.

"Do you think killing will bring you peace?"

Erik kneels down in front of his lover.

"You know the answer to that, Charles." Erik's hand finds its' way to Charles' cheek. "Peace was never an answer."

Charles focuses on Erik's slate grey eyes. With a slightly shaking hand, he brings it to hold Erik's chin.

"But it can be. We can throw away Magneto. We can throw away Professor X." He eyes begin to water and tears fall slowly down his cheeks. "We don't have to fight."

Erik sighs and wipes Charles' face with a swipe of his thumb. "You know I hate to see you hurt."

"Damn it Erik! If you did, we wouldn't be in this war!"

Charles can't look at Erik right now, can't stand that come tomorrow, his lover will have that helmet on and plan the destruction of the world.

Erik's hand falls away from Charles' face, only to grab onto his shoulder's.

"Charles, don't do this. I need you right now."

Charles turns back to Erik, his resolve dissolving. He takes one look at the shimmer in Erik's eyes and he knows that this is it.

"Erik, I-" He whispers.

"No," Erik leans closer, "Please."

And Charles closes the gap between them.

writing, uhhh.., x men first class, prompt, i fail at actually filling a prompt like, story, charles/erik, au

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