Norden bombsight (15:01)

May 05, 2013 12:44

Malcolm Gladwell: The strange tale of the Norden bombsight (15:01)

It's problematic to help evil people, even with good intentions. Often you end up assisting the opposite of what you intend, as was the case here.

I saw this a few months back, and for some reason this morning I wanted to see it again. It's just so very poignant. You make a thing, even one that doesn't work so well, but the mere effort spurs innovation which bring about the results you were against-truly horrifying.

It's a theme that comes up again and again in science fiction. Making things work better, then the innovation works against you. 'Terminator', 'The Matrix'. I like the 'Real Genius' turn on it.

But for a 'failure' in a sense to help achieve this aim, seems crazy.
Of course it wasn't a 'failure' in all senses. Due to good marketing, desperation, etc. someone got the government to spend tons upon tons of tons on essentially defective product. Then again, the government calls that Tuesday. Maybe good political maneuvering. That makes it more depressing to a point.

Though it could have just been the direction the military was going in anyway. His involvement may have not swayed the course of events one way or the other. It's impossible to know of course.

Back to point though, be careful who you associate with / what ideas you endorse and work towards.

It also recalls this the 'NSA'-Scene from 'Good Will Hunting'
(though the lower gas prices do sound nice).
If more people could think about these sorts of things the world might not be in as big a mess as it is.
(Damon & Affleck might be nice for a start).

nonstat, embed, philosophy, video

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