Dollhouse 2.5 (…)
It was inquired why I don't like two hour of Dollhouse back-to-back:
Two hours of Dollhouse is intense … and I sit with rapt attention … it makes your brain do stuff.
Most other TV I can see the plot coming from miles away without paying much attention.
The tricks the twists … I've seen them before.
I'm typically not impressed.
Dollhouse I may never figure out … and to an extent,I'm not sure I want to fully.
Much of it's power is in its ability to fuck with your brain. Not all of that is the mystery and/or turning on a dime, but a great deal of it.
The only other stuff I watch is comedies really. You laugh and if it wasn't all that good/memorable you forget about it the next day.
Many of the other dramas I see are fixed on being some predictable extreme of histrionic to stoic.
This is different.
Two hours is too much I need time to digest it.
It's like gorging yourself on rich foods.
Maybe next week I watch one episode and let the VCR catch the other?
(VCR: that's Video Cassette Recorder kids. it's like Tivo only different)
So it appears we're finally gonna get to Wesley Obama.
Also I can read (credits) as well as being tipped off, by someone somewhere? Twitter? -- River.
Wesley Obama is going to go after the 'house & The Rossum Corporation.
He has a witness.
As we can guess from the previouslies… it's NOVEMBER (mmmm … tasty)
She's seen something horrible she did.
Being slow, I'm wondering what.
Was this previous to the 'Mellie' assignment? duh?
NO SIERRA, NO VICTOR. in this episode.
Rossum has a plan to deal with NOVEMBER.
I'm also flashing-back to a certain line from 'Epitaph One'.
DeWitt -- "A former active just made a passing reference to us in his blog that was his last entry."
So there are former actives? or were?
Adelle's interest is based on her own self-interest (mmmm … tasty, the self interest part that makes her better).
Also finally figured it out the hair thing --
Suzanne Vega, circa 1990? weird.
Wesley Obama -- "… but there must be accountability. The health of our citizens cannot be held hostage to a profit motive."
Topher -- "He's a demagogue. Look at him. So concerned about the public … and when he shuts down all research we can go back to leeches."
Topher's says this though 'cause he's ethically challenged. {eye-roll}
ECHO fingers Mrs.Wesley Obama as a possible doll.
This is a great red herring.
She's tasty so it works that way too.
Obviously his wife is suspected as a doll, as is he. Then again this is my the usual case of swinging at everything and eventually hit a something.
Agent Paul uncovers discrepancies, because she's a handler perhaps.
This whole thing was lacking the context of the macro 'house issues.
It didn't make immediate sense that Wesley Obama would be a doll, what incentive would there be in exposing the 'house, any house.
As Paul states if Rossum has a doll in play it makes sense they would use them.
Boyd's in this one, just no Boyd-type magic… not enough room?
To explain to Paul, what an assassin sleeper active is, play the 'house's greatest hit.
DeWitt -- "Any sympathy for Mr.Hearn would be misplaced, he was a serial rapist."
'um … about that, … any?
I think we're lacking a lot of context he was über-creepy sure, but a death sentence is a bit rough.
Granted we're playing with lives on a daily basis, so I suppose it goes with the game.
Just not the usual 'house style.
Niska: Oh, you do not like I kill this man?
Mal: Oh no, I'm sure he was a... very bad person.
Niska: My wife's nephew. At dinner I am getting earful. There is no way out of that.
Apparently photos of the prank call is also what they showed NOVEMBER.
Disrupter. TOS … {smirk}
For those uninitiated:
Federation, the good guys i.e. "United Nations" of Planets carried 'phasers' which would stun or kill.
The enemies typically Romulans and Klingons carried 'disruptors' (as well as had them on their ships).
I presume they were called this because they disrupted the structure of matter?
TOS is an acronym for 'The Original Series'.
Topher's disrupter causes dolls pain, makes them pass out, and bleed from the nose.
KILO is a 'Whedon' … what's her name?:
Maurissa Tancharoen, part of the team behind Dr.Horrible, "Epitaph One" and some of the Dollhouse music too.
She's pretty.
This disrupter scene sort ruins things for me …
Though all of the people in the room still could be dolls,
… but they don't have the hardware? or theirs is different for some reason? insulated? {¿grasps at straws?}
DeWitt, Topher, Boyd, and Agent Paul -- Damn! Anyone of them would've been genius (or will be).
Speaking of having hardware … NOVEMBER still does.
So what about the blogger story?
Do people leave the Dollhouse?
… or as I've sometimes contended is NOVEMBER a sole exception,
and the supposed five year term, never quite lapses?
DeWitt and Topher neither confirm nor deny Paul's assertion.
They just sort exchange vaguely guilty looks.
ECHO's reading!?!
Do people just ignore her?
Seriously there's security guard, yoga instructors, art teachers, cameras everywhere?
Why do they even have books with words there anyway,
or is that something she's been writing to herself in?
At this point I thought maybe Wesley Obama was not only aware wifey was a doll,
but specifically had it done. Though that would've conflicted with stuff we'd learned before?
We setup the Senator with a hooker, ECHO.
We're taking ECHO to see wifey.
Agent Paul is also seeing NOVEMBER and wifey.
Wesley Obama makes me kinda nauseous. "I just want to do what's right." No, really?
… and surprise!
Wifey isn't a doll. Wesley Obama is.
I can forget the righteous indignation now.
Phew. I thought they were going to get preachy.
Nauseously flashing back to the Black President line in 1.12 OMEGA , yugh.
Driving while flashing back is not good.
ECHO/Ω:OMEGA? thinks she's a doll.
Wesley Obama is a doll of himself.
Wild! I thought they might do this at some point -- reprogram yourself (with help).
They're going to kill agent Paul.
Then Agent Paul kicks ass, with his hands tied of course.
War between Dollhouses is great!
I was thinking α:ALPHA, was going to do something like this (and certainly still could), but the Dollhouse itself is better 'cause it's bigger, more intrigue
(perhaps I underestimate α:ALPHA ).
ECHO: "You just woke up a lot people. And they all think you're a bitch!" {smirk}
We get to see ECHO's underwear Yay!
(or her stunt person's, … still underwear Yay!)
ECHO beats everyone.
ECHO: "I think her bad guys are badder than my bad guys."
… and that's why I love this show.
Pop-up at the bottom of the screen for the next Dollhouse.
Agent Paul channels
Admiral Ackbar.
NOVEMBER Costly wants to make mistakes … {gulp}
… again flashing-back to 'Epitaph One'.
Wifey stuns ECHO and Wesley.
… and agent Paul's
gone rogue. It only took 5 to 6 episodes!
Washington D.C. 'house
River is here and still insane.
She's right hand-ed, apparently.
Makes me think this is the functional Dollhouse.
Is this an official Dollhouse? or is it someone else's operation?
Hades? Aphrodite? so we're using Greek gods in D.C.?
This finally answers the question of how they don't get Dolls confused house-to-house?
Crazy River: "This is Topher Brink. I always wanted to meet his tech."
So she's a fan?
We always choose the
… there are other parts of the brain you know.
Wesley Obama: "Who are you?"
Wifey: "She's God honey, and you've heartily offended her!"
So she's kinda amoral-er than Topher?
Crazy River knows Caroline. Oh and Crazy River is also a sadist?!?
Careful River you might end up getting type-casted as a weird quasi-robotic psycho-crazy person who talks in a mono-tone {smirk}.
Dollhouse 2.6 These episodes were kinda light in a way.
Action-heavy, and a bit light on plot relative to usual Whedon goodness I've come to expect lately.
This is perhaps also why it was a bit tiring to watch.
It was sort of like 1 & ½ episodes of Dollhouse.
For some reason though despite knowing the fate of people from 'Epitaph One', the tension still works! nifty!
NO SIERRA. Boyd is there, but barely. Paul is MIA.
So it's a pain machine like from Star Trek's Mirror World.
Wesley Obama has a W-type background.
He is going to exonerate Rossum.
There is an old Vulcan proverb: only Nixon could go to China.
Wifey hates Wesley.
Topher is in the field, and is also a child with A.D.H.D.
River gives ECHO water.
"The Prince and Count always insist on everyone being healthy before they're broken."
Caroline pissed off River.
The chair has a funny face mask here in D.C.?
Ray Wise!
The devil from Reaper, and perhaps creepier Leland Palmer from Twin Peaks.
I was tipped off again by credits and twitter?
Topher has his 'top guy' covering The L.A. 'house.
I thought we might do this.
I was thinking they would do this for 'Haunted' 1.10, but that was a fake diagnostic so …
So there is a Topher brain scan, or there is now.
Maybe this helps to explain α:ALPHA?
Actually no, VICTOR/Topher refers back to 2.4's SIERRA incident, which is not to say there was some scan before, but α:ALPHA didn't get this one.
VICTOR/Topher's voice! Very good. After he was the same way Dominic, wow!
Firefly-type camerawork in River's lab.
River and Topher want to jump each other, Interesting, save for her creepiness.
Nerves are severed in River's arm.
DeWitt has Leland by the balls.
Kinda disappointing. I was hoping to see more of his intensity, and perhaps hers, perhaps future episodes(?) {shrugs}.
River calls it a disruptor too! ooo! nifty!
River's not a doll.
Oh jeez, The "I'm a model who doesn't think she's pretty" thing ... ugh. No really. isn't this becoming a tired cliché.
Recalling the whole NOVEMBER business.
Topher: "My last ethical quandary was un-helpful. Let mommy and daddy do the squabbling."
'er 'um so does Topher bring about the end of the world, or rather moreso? or does he try to stop it?
Is it a thing so she doesn't feel judged?
Topher's talking to himself.
I thought for a minute he was going to blow it, from being distracting himself.
"fierce"? "For the win!" ugh.
He sounds a bit too much like a bad internet chat room, but still … nifty.
ECHO remembers, River having a wall on her arm …
River slams her head into a monitor, in case there was any doubt she was psycho.
River blames Caroline, for ditching her. I imagine it's another eco-terrorist thing(?).
I can see Caroline's point of view, but I still want to blame her 'cause I like doing that.
I suppose she could've tried to get the wall off River's arm?
Wesley O: "I think someone on the inside is trying to help us, put it in my head showed us the way out."
Guessing this is River.
At first I thought this like what Dominic got blamed for, the same faction (not FBI? Boyd's people?)
ECHO knows she's been lo-jacked.
Then we do not-porn porn-thing,
Of course we have to take our shirts off so we don't get blood on them.
It's plausible, but amusing.
River has a theory that the brain can hold multiple imprints.
ECHO doesn't want to be Caroline. That makes me happy.
Big optimistic flourish. "We can be whoever we decide to be."
Then Wesley O goes 'three flowers' or 'Puppies'.
Topher stole Wesley O's brain map.
River "Caroline has power over people."?
Please don't tell me she's magically special, because she's pretty, give us some plausible something?
Wifey: "Oh God! Dollspeak."
Wifey loves Wesley O ? or pretending? no matter, and she sees it coming.
Wesley O kills Wifey.
Then of course promptly regains composure after the deed is done.
He wants to forget he killed her.
Then we have our big hearing deal.
He's a little too collected for just having killed his pretend wife.
Wesley O tells the story … only I don't remember this story.
Wifey was supposedly killed by car-bomb.
NOVEMBER is crazy and Canadian.
The FBI men look like the Dollhouse security from the previous scene.
Topher/VICTOR doesn't want to die.
Topher kills himself.
Wesley O will become a fascist leader? hmmm … subtext there?
NOVEMBER now gets to be tortured by Crazy River.
I'm thinking assassin training, with ECHO in mind as a target.
I don't understand the pain thing though? They are using the pain setting on her? If so why?
Pure sadism? I got the ECHO idea, it was a vengeance thing,
She wanted ECHO to suffer, but what did NOVEMBER do?
ECHO is wondering D.C. Presumably as Agent Paul is also.
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