Status Wed, 08/17/05

Aug 17, 2005 23:59

stretches, 2x usual pushups, and pseudo pull-ups .

Dow +37.26 Nasdaq +8.09, crude 63.25 @ down 2.83 . Energy stocks also underpressure.
My Portfolio +140.37% Today: +2.24%, NWD hit 3.14 intraday, but fell back. EENC lost more ... While I made money, this is disconcerting. NWD is moving on hype. EENC is falling on bad earnings(?).

NWD    2.50  +0.45  +21.95%  +194.12%  Another Crazy Jump!
CORI   3.12  +0.01   +0.32%    -6.31%
EENC  19.94  -1.66   -7.69%  +234.28%  Another dive!

Don's World
pseudoephedrine worse than crack.

hjsb named shell_scripting co-mod.

1 tablet sleep-time.

Today according to the calendar.* files &
Davy Crockett born, 1768
Bridget Driscoll, first automobile fatality, 1896
Robert De Niro born, 1943
Peter Fechter, first death trying to cross Berlin Wall, 1962
Azaria Chamberlain disappears, likely taken by a dingo, leading to what was then the most publicised trial in Australian history and the most famous wrongful conviction when her parents are found guilty of murder, 1980
The "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Video by Nirvana is filmed, 1991
Bill Clinton admits before the nation that he "misled people" about his relationship, 1998

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