Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

May 26, 2005 21:07

Finally my much anticipated, long-ass, meandering, Star Wars III post... well I was much anticipating it, especially as I saw it on Monday, and have yet to comment on it.
(spoilers inside, in case that wasn't obvious).

Wow! after everyone else has already posted their big opinion on it you still want to bother with mine? Nifty.

At the theater...
I had the really great idea of smuggling in M&Ms (yes the star wars kinda {hangs head in shame}) from home into the theater, then grabbing some water to drink. I thought 'surely they have water ... free (unless they sell bottled)'. Sure enough. I didn't ask for water, but If I remember correctly (and I could be mistaken, it certainly doesn't sound right in hindsight) I saw a sign which said Bottled Water 3.10. I had no water and did not eat my warm M&Ms they didn't melt my pocket or my hands though (I ate them later). I didn't buy any water ... 'cause I don't like extortion... next time smuggle water if you can, JESUS!

That did probably heighten the intensity of the experience, that and needing to ... of course... after two hours... I didn't and didn't miss anything either.

I thought I was in for a horrible experience they blasted the trailers at full volume ... I was sitting in the back too. That obnoxious looking Angelina Jolie / Brad Pitt movie, Fantastic Four (I'm not so familar, but it looks pretty good, good trailer anyway, and Jessica Alba is cute). Batman begins ... with Morgan Freedman and Liam Nienson(sp) not too bad a cast... The batman franchise needs help. I felt cheated after seeing the last one, and that was on t.v. . It wasn't even funny/bad enough to make up for being stupid. Then some god awful movie staring Jamie Fox it looks like 'Top Gun' meets '2001', about an automated plane that goes crazy. Maybe they were just blasting the audio too much, but I was annoyed. I wasn't annoyed with the film's volume, maybe 'cause I wanted to hear or they decided not to be assholes and turn it down.

As per the movie:
Wow! It was very good. Not as good as the originals, but quite good. I was impressed on many counts and disappointed on very few. I keep saying in my head "blown away" ... somethings did 'blow me away'...

General analysis

Hayden Christensen's performance was vastly improved less 'annoying little bitch' more 'fully realized character'.
His transition was shakey .. but generally it made sense. His hair was much better.
George Lucas must have realized the error of his ways and got him an acting coach, stylist, etc.

Natalie Portman (Chicky) did very good acting ... I supposed she did get an academy nod after all.
Chicky looks sensational for a girl whose pregnant, then again maybe that was the norm, 'A long time ago in a Galaxy far far away...'
I also found it strange how she name the kids in 2 seconds. I mean it worked good as the movie was getting to be very long, but still ...

There was too much action ... I like a light-saber battle as much as the next guy but we don't need 3 15 minutes ones. Especially when they're going so fast all you see is blinking lights. Though unlike Episode II, while you had battles which did drag on a bit too long there was usually some sort of point to them, so better there.

When I saw it the one was going to be another 2 hours plus one I knew I was in for another extended roller coaster ride / ordeal.

The pacing of the whole thing was a bit too quick, but we had a lot of ground to cover. It would have been nice if there was more exposition and less 'action action action'. This did not feel as rushed as Episode II, but Episode I was a bit more relaxed and the old movies also had a much more relaxed pace. Slow down... If felt like it was 1 minute scene transition, 2 minute scene transition, light-saber fight. Time ... to ... breathe...
Go back next time (provided there is one), and put in more space, breathing room dialogue. Save the out-takes from the extended light-saber duel for the DVD.

They killed Doo Koo off in the first 15 minutes which was good. Though a little rough about the hack & slash, not just Doo Koo, but ingeneral. It's one thing to hack somebody up, but if you're going to kill them anyway ... just have the decency to run them through or something.
I mean c'mon in the first triology you all that got hacked was Luke's hand and Darth Vader's robotic one, It's gotten progressively worse since ... I think some of it in this film was for the sake of doing so, and didn't really serve a purpose other than to be violent.

All that loss of ... business makes me cringe. I actually sort of wanted to see some blood in this, as antithetical as it sounds... they seem to sort of take such thing too lightly.

Though on that note, Vader bionic arm is much cooler in this one.

The droids and the comic relief was lightened. This is good especially being since this one's supposed to be dark and creepy. I do like the end "memory wipe the droids".

For some reason I really believed the 'love story' this time... where was this last time??? wasn't that one supposed to be the big love story? No, matter. I found it completely crazy that he would choke chicky after he had been so obsessed, but I bought it... and somehow was truly shocked.

I thought the dream at the beginning was of his mom, I suppose they were suppose to generally look alike. That's almost as freudian as whipping out a light-saber in the bed room.

I like the Gen. Grevious character ... he was scary. Not fully realized perhaps, but better than Doo Koo. Makes me want to check out the whole Clone Wars cartoon, I think he has a back story or something there... seemed like there were things they weren't telling us... some exposition would've been nice. It was probably cut out to make room for more light saber scenes {eye-roll}.

Yoda had a line ... "Good relations with the wookies, I have." That was funny. Yoda still annoying had to invert every fucking sentence. At some point I have to go back and check the old movies ... he didn't do all that the time every single sentence back then, did he? I don't remember it being so annoying.

I dug the Chewbacca cameo. I like the subtlety of it. It was more "oh it's Chewbacca", than "Look everybody, we brought back Chewbacca!", like they had about the droids, Bobba Phett etc. in the earlier episodes, it seemed like they were patting themselves on the back less. Also the Wookie world was very cool. I saw a children's book from the early 80's that had drawings like this. I think their may have been a 1979 Christmas special (supposedly a big skeleton in the Star Wars closet) that takes place here?

Jar Jar seen, but not heard ... excellent.

Ethics/Philosophy (don't laugh too hard)
I thought the political and philosophical references ... either intentional were interesting... albeit stupid on some points. I have to wonder as I did for Episode II how much of it is trying to address current events, and how much of it is just happenstance in the story. I do like the long story arc about subverting power it reminded me of DS9 (a very good thing).

I like/agree/sympathize with what genuinechris has said about some of this (1,2). Mainly:"There were truly awful parts--the Jedi who were the 'good guys,' were the 'selfless' ones. And we know what altruism does. IT DESTROYS HUMANITY AND CREATES NAZIS."
Not sure I'd put it that way, but I don't exactly dispute it.
Selflessness is sort of like nilhism. Selfishness does not make you bad or automatically turn you into a monsters, it can but that's in combination with being stupid, short sided, and an asshole.
e.g. "I want to save my wife this is good and noble. Though this does not making killing all of my colleagues a good thing. Even so ... If am going to kill all my colleagues probably a good idea to make sure the whole 'wife-saving' thing will work, or that there is really a problem to begin with. Also said wife might be a bit spooked to know I've butchered a bunch a children along with said colleagues, probably not a good idea to try to justify this to her. Lying is not very nice either. It's kinda counter-productive to choke wife who's life I was trying to save in the first place."

There's an article in which Spielberg talks about Anakin's ambition being his downfall {eye-roll}
As a prodigy with skills beyond his years, Anakin became seduced by the thought that he was destined for greater things than the average Jedi, said Lucas pal Steven Spielberg.

"I think it was simple ambition that turned him to the dark side," Spielberg said. "The trilogy says to me it's the dangers of that ambition. Look, he was in pod races at too young of an age. In this case, it was sort of the evil result of ambitions, being too ambitious for his own good."

Yes, and being patient and humble is what got Spielberg to where he is today, what crap!

Jedis fuck up.
I sort of like this thinking (the Jedis sort of being ruined by their own 'righteousness') and they way it plays out in the movie. It's probably not the 'right' interpretation, but I found it interesting.

This fallibility of the Jedi, was one of my favourite things about the movie.Yes, they are the good guys, we sort of want them to succeed and know they will fail. But you see with Anakin they have a chance to raise a great asset. Yet, they fuck it up. Of course there is some circumstance/Romeo/Juilet/tragedy junk at work, but this by in large could've been avoided.
They keep acting all high, mighty, arrogant, and sanctimonious, as if they know what's going on and the way to do things. True enough Anakin is being somewhat a little bitch, and does need to be put in his place ... but guys you need to pacify him as well, not patronize, but tell him to "be cool", tell him why the Sith are bad, tell him he's in store for good things, not just that he's a little bitch. They just sort of turned their nose up at him and tell him to sit and be patient (and selfless ... because ... ? ). I can sympathize with his frustration.

The main point is the whole thing with Sam Jackson's character... wasn't he in Pulp Fiction? wasn't he the guy who told everybody to "be cool"? We could've used him here. Somebody should've told everybody in that scene to be cool. Instead he's all sanctimonious "He's too dangerous to live!" While true, that isn't the way to do things. I don't know if I would've gone all hack and slash, but Dude, "be cool" {shakes head}.

Also in the scene with Obi before the duel, didn't Obi say something to the effect of "Now I know you're a Sith lord, because you're speaking in such absolutes." because everything is relative, except for evil Sith Lords which are always bad and must be destroyed {eye-roll} contradiction much?

I like the elements of tragedy ... it was beautifully played that way ... I felt like I was watching a classic in a sense... only the language wasn't all prose-y and stogy.

I thought it was strange because there were different things popping in my head as we went along...
Like when they're talking about 'The Dark side' allows you to live longer and being 'unnatural' (stem cell research?).
They probably don't teach you about the Sith i.e. knowledge is bad (Religious Extremism).

I saw something written somewhere ... 'Secret marriages never work out' (gays?).

Then of course there was the whole subversion of power which one could take differently depending upon political party. I thought actual fighting in the senate chamber was a bit silly as per symbolism.

I think the notion of Star wars having politics? is sort of strange and perhaps even wrong. I mean in the older one's it's rock 'em sock 'em, though this before the rebellion so that makes some sense. Perhaps it'll inspire the kiddies to get more involved, hopefully in a good way.

I thought it a bit amusing that the separatists 'were bad' and didn't become 'The Rebellion'.

Also strange that they said in the text at begining of the film 'there were heroes on both sides' as if to be P.C. about everything. Then of course all the separatists we see are 'bad'. Was that like a last minute addition or something?

Vader Transition
I liked the whole Vader transition, character-wise like I said it worked out fairly nicely there were somethings which were a bit silly, but not so silly as to not work in a star wars movie, or less actually. I thought it a bit strange the didactic ethics ...'I was your teacher/student and now I must kill you' that was weird and sort of wrong, but still plausible. I heard Ewan McGregor say somewhere this was suppose to be the best light-saber battle ever between Vader & Obi, well it was good, still to fast and confusing ... too long ... but I still really liked the one in Episode I, better.
This one dragged, even though you cringed knowing something was coming... or at least I did.
Unfortunately someone told me after Episode I that Vader would get turned (would have to wear the suit because) by being throw into a volcano... so I was sort of expecting worse. It was still cringe inducing when it came. Though dare I ask, how do you swipe off three limbs with one motion? I probably don't want to know. Though after all that ... and him catching on fire, would it not have been merciful to kill him? I can see the emotional component, but kill him or heal him... don't just leave him there... that's fucking cruel. No wonder he 'killed' you.

As for the actual assemblage of Vader ... I'm a total sucker ... I was sitting there completely awe struck, the appendages, the mask, the breath. I suppose it's sort of justified we've all waited years or more to see this (or at the very least two hours or so). We've all wondered, after that much anticipation, not being a complete disappointment is a big achievement, I think. I thought Vaders big lament growl and dramatics at the end was a bit awkward, but maybe now 'cause he's not this huge giant he was, or will be. He seemed sort of like a hoaky version of King Kong, being chained up and business.

It of course was odd and not as good on some points to know before-hand. I sort of unconsciously did a check while things were going on ... remembering who has to be alive for Episode IV.
... Because you know something's probably going to happen to Vader. Obi was probably generally intact. Sam Jackson is toast, and most if not all the other Jedi.
I was unsure about chicky, since Leia has a line about memories of her mother in Jedi, apparently her step-mother.
Of course Jimmy Smits has to be okay (after I heard about who he was).
Yoda and the Emperor are both generally going to be alright.

The whole Yoda vs. Emperor thing, sort of made me say 'and the point of this is ... ?' We know they both live.
I sort of felt that way about Yoda last episode, also cause he came across like a dancing muppet. I accepted it better this time, partially 'cause I didn't feel like they played it up for laughs.
This time I sort of thought it was like they needed to for the story in part, but also it was like they wanted to ... like a bunch of teenagers sitting around 'Dude wouldn't it be cool if Yoda fought the Emperor? {eye-roll} It also didn't have to take so long.

And so now Obi can use the 'death phone' to contact Qui-Gon, that seemed a bit silly.

What was the thing from 'Clerks' (I've never seen it)? Feeling sorry civilian contractors who worked on the Death Star? Not so much I think ... they began work how many years ago? and the 2nd Death Star how many year did it take to get up and running... At least the first batch of contractors got what they deserved {dorky amusement}.

Like perhaps everyone I was also kinda impressed with the whole Vader could have a father / Darth_Plagueis thing. It's like while we're answering questions who are the hell are the sith? (thought for really sad souls wikipedia seems to have a bunch of info).

Special Effects
Another thing, was the Special effects to steal from genuinechris again,One of the real problems with this new starwars...was that everything was possible. You want 500 ships on 9 levels? You got it. You want a million aliens with seven hudnred eyes, and ten thousand light sabers? Cool. That makes for a more soulless movie. The limitations of the early movies--that things couldn't be done...added to the charm and mystery.
Also it was just physically overwhelming... I mean your looking at the screen there's too much to take in. In a sense that's good of course... detail and 'realism' are good, but as a viewer which a huge screen in the theater it's too much. 100% intensity involving 500 moving parts ... it's too over the top I think.

But it's sort of like I can still tell it's 'fake'. I want to watch at least some live action, not just 'cartoons'. That along with the excess of action, the jumpy pacing, the lack of dialogue, makes it more a 'product' and less an 'experience'.

I did thing the fire ships were cool among other things, though, so not all bad.

They had all of the themes from all of the other movies they used them well here (and left out the crap from Episode II). The new stuff worked and fit with the old stuff in a pleasing way too.

I'm very glad I avoided the second trailer and any mention of it like the plague. I've since seen the second trailer, very good. I didn't think much after seeing the first trailer, this was also good.

How it stacks up.
I liked this one... I like the upbeat-ness of Episode I, and could forgive its mistakes, But this is at least a bit better, just harder 'cause it's obviously not upbeat. I think save for maybe Han Solo and a few other things this is as good if not better than 'Empire'. I'm sure it's been said, but definitely in contention with the old movies. I think the acting might be a tad better on some points. But then again more to be upset/dramatic about in this one.

Future of?
I think there could be other stuff for Star Wars, and that could be good, but for now... it needs a rest. I mean hopefully George Lucas will step back take look at these from a distance see where they went wrong when they did and try to learn from them, instead of continuing to milk the cash cow for its own sake.
I've heard rumours about a tv show or a new movie in 2007, too soon, but I supposed Lucas isn't getting any younger {shrugs}.

Now that Star Wars and Star Trek are on a break (or ought to be) it's time for Firefly. hopefully the public will be ready to embrace it later this year (not burnt out on sci/fi because of this), and it will spark/continue a really brilliant franchise.

Anyway thanks for reading this ... (you must be very bored) ... I'm sure I'll think of more super important insights later... and maybe change my mind about somethings. Sadly enough I'll probably post about these new 'revelations' too (maybe even in coherent English), but overall 'Wow!'

nonstat, movie, public

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