Guess what? I now own a house. As of this morning I'm the owner of a little house that's just two doors down from my sister's. I spent the entire morning running between banks and then sat at a table for 10 minutes with a solicitor to sign the deed... somehow I thought the whole thing would be a little more earth-shattering and a little less like
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I do hope that you will come to enjoy your new home as soon as you are able to move in and make it your own. It is not surprising that you are numb. You have suffered considerable stress over the last while and moving is just another stressful event even when you need or want the change. Change is always difficult but hopefully you will be able to make this house your home with your own touches once you get settled. I am sure that being closer to your sister will be comforting and having potential help with your Mum will be reassuring for you.
I love the idea that you are looking for a name for your new home. I saw this web site that has some house name suggestions : You can name it anything you want such as after a local bird such as Wren Cottage or a flower or shrub on the property such as Daffodil Cottage or a feature of the home such as Two Gables etc. Good luck finding the perfect name. I am sure once you pick the name the house will start to feel like it belongs to you.
Hugs ♥
Laurie |
It does feel to me as if everything I've ever known is now being stripped away bit by bit and I think that if I allowed myself to feel the magnitude of the changes I'm experiencing one after the other I'd end up curled in a ball.. so numb is probably what I need to be in order to cope. I hope the excitement and the happiness will return at some point, but it's possible I'll have to let some more time pass and let the "new" life sink in before that happens.
Thank you so much for the suggestions and the link! I've always named everything I cared about, starting from stuffed animals and dolls when I was little and going on to cars, laptops, and even bags! It's a little quirk of mine and I'm definitely in need of a name for the house *nods*
*hugs back*
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