Even the doctor said so. He said, and I quote, "You're on the mend." Yay. Not that I feel it, mind you. But I suppose the fact that I have no fever, after spending almost 3 whole days burning up, means the worst is behind me. Plus, you see, alive. Mostly. Barely. Well, jury's still out.
Anyway, haven't been at the computer at all for the past 3 days - surfed a bit yesterday afternoon but my head hurt too much after an hour - but I'd written an entry about Sherlock before succumbing to the flu and I want to post it now before the next episode airs. Especially since
reading the summary for episode 3 there's a sentence that made many, me included, believe it might mean that something pretty bad will happen to Mycroft in episode 2, and really if that happens? A large part of my love for the show will vanish into thin air. I'll still be watching, you know me, but it'll never be the same again.
So, uhm, this was written last Wednesday and I was already fever-ish. Plus I'm too weak to do a proof reading so it might not even make any sort of sense. Still, if you're bored and willing to indulge a sick girl's ramblings, here we go.
I literally told myself I should wait until I’d seen the whole season before talking about it but there are things I need to see on paper, all laid out in front of me, or they’ll keep running ‘round my head and I’ll never get a moment’s peace. Of course, writing them down on a word doc could have sufficed, I didn’t have to come here and post them too, but here I am anyway. Like you didn’t know it would happen.
So beind the cut, spoilers for The six Thatchers, and various ramblings from yours truly. Sorry? Also, I’m here to let out steam and frustration so that’s what you’ll read below, but in the interest of full disclosure I will say this out of the cut: the episode is a very good one. It is, and I did like a lot of things.
Many of the things I either disliked from the bottom of my heart or was not sure about, will probably (almost surely) be changed/resolved/explained/turned on their heads in episodes 2 and/or 3 so they’ll have to wait, but there are some that pain me and I don’t care what will happen in the future, I believe it will do me good to throw them out there immediately.
I think my biggest disappointment is that it looks like everything that made Sherlock Sherlock, namely his mind, his deductions, the ability to fire away details about someone at lightning speed, and the obvious glee he feels when he’s showing off, have now become something that negatively affects him and those around him. The core of the character is now a ball of negativity. And in the end it’s Sherlock’s own inability to shut up in front of a now beaten old lady with a gun that results in Mary’s death (but then again were we really expecting him to do that? Shut up? Not deduce her to death?) Or at least that’s what facilitates Mary’s death because I’m not here for blaming that solely on Sherlock. Not here for people, John included, holding Sherlock wholly responsible: the old lady shot the gun (*at Sherlock* I might add) and she’d drawn it in the first place when Mary made a move towards her; Mary jumped in front of the bullett by her own volition, it’s not like Sherlock suddenly ducked behind her so she’d be hit. Also, why didn’t Mary do with Sherlock what she’d done with John in Teheran? Push him down, push him away? She didn’t do that, she chose to jump in front of the gun. So yeah, Sherlock should have shut the hell up, but he’s not the only one to blame.
I also realize that by having Mary die to save Sherlock they tried to “redeem” her once and for all in the eyes of those fans who’d decided she was a villain after she shot Sherlock. I never thought she was a villain, tbh, but I also never forgave her for shooting Sherlock; and she never apologized to him for doing that, not until she was about to die. I went from adoring her in TEH and TsoT, to being totally appalled by her in HLV, and then to finding her incredibly annoying in TAB. She wasn’t annoying to me in TST, but I can’t say I was crazy about her scenes with Sherlock and John together. And I *hated* the whole “she’s better than you”/ “you stay back with Rosie”/ “should we take him with us? John or the dog?” scene. Absolutely HATED that.
Mary was not annoying to me, weidly enough, when she was in a one-on-one scene with either John or Sherlock, and she was quite interesting in her whole spy persona. But she didn’t go back to being the wonderful character I’d met in the first two episodes of s3, either. And then she died and she was supposed to be redeemed but… to be fair the two things that stuck with me were that a) her death was only a plot device to introduce the rift between John and Sherlock, so less about her character and more about the show (and in this case, why should the death be redeeming Mary when it’s not about her at all?) and b) placed there to make Sherlock look like the bad guy… much like the way they played Glenn’s death on The Walking Dead to put the blame on Daryl’s shoulders (instead of Negan’s who, let me remind you, actually swung that bat.) It is not something I enjoy tbh and isn’t it weird that the same thing happened in both my favorite shows?
And then there’s John Watson. People say one shouldn’t be surprised that he’d cheat on Mary, but I was. Completely blindsided by it. Also you know, it’s not like it matters if he didn’t do the do but just flirted night and day with the red haired woman via text message. That’s still cheating. And yes, yes, it’s obviously something that will be elaborated further and I bet you it will be shown that it’s not John’s fault or something, but for now… I am not happy. Plus it is John’s fault even if that woman was playing him because, hello? He kept her number and initiated contact. Sorry.
In his grief (that Martin Freeman portrayed masterfully tbh,) John took the anger and guilt he felt because he betrayed his own vow to Mary out on Sherlock for his supposed inability of keeping the vow he also made. I hate that, of course I do, but in a way it makes sense: placing the blame on someone else so I don’t have to face my own guilty conscience. Still, I think some of the things that happened later showed a John that was frankly being intentionally hurtful. Having Molly stop Sherlock outside his house, for example, having her relay John’s message that he’d rather have anyone but Sherlock help him, it’s something I deeply hold against John. It was awful. It stopped being “I blame you” and became more “I want you to hurt as much, if not more, as I am.” But I wonder what the letter that Molly gave to Sherlock from John read, and if maybe there’s something else that was said… most certainly there will be. Hopefully not all awful either.
There, my biggest grievances all laid out for me. To be completely honest here I have to say that the things I did like about the episodes were many, and there were some moments I absolutely loved (even those that broke me, like Sherlock seeing Ella for therapy and guidance.) The acting was stellar, I enjoyed the plot, and I got one of the things I’d most longed for: many more scenes with Mycroft and Sherlock interacting. Plus, Sherrinford people! I’m totally in for that! Unfortunately, in this entry, I sort of needed to let out the negative feelings… I showed the positive plainly in my reblogging spree on Tumblr where I don’t talk but gleefully reblog gifs *G* I guess you guys get to be my own therapy session…
You know what I miss? Sherlock Holmes and John Watson out there solving crimes. Or, if you will, I miss the feeling of the first two seasons. But I suppose shows need to move on or they’ll become stale. Plus, I’ll always take what I can get with this show, no other way around it… so really, I should just shut up.