This and that

Feb 23, 2016 15:44

It's been a while since my last post, or at least since I posted something other than a birthday wish or a picture or a "in memoriam" entry, so I thought to play catch up today. I've got used to the new trend of my LJ life which basically consists in skimming the f-list twice a day and posting only when I really feel like it, but this doesn't mean I don't miss the old LJ life. And with that my "this and that" posts. In bullet points, too, for good measure *g*

- I had the weirdest dream experience two nights ago. I had three different and very separate dreams which I don't remember at all (I guess you could say I have the general idea of them in my mind but not the details,) and that turned out to have a peculiar common thread: rice. Basically, in the first dream I distinctly remember cooking rice and leaving it on the stove to simmer, and then in the third dream I had this lightbulb that warned me about something being on the stove so I ran and found a pile of burnt rice. It's never happened before and it was so amusing! Cooking rice for as long as three dreams, apparently, is a good way to burn it *g*

- We had a health scare with Gwenda a couple of weeks ago and she had to undergo a procedure and be sedated, which is always risky for bulldogs, but luckily everything went well and she's now been given a clean bill of health. I swear for a few days I had this knot in my stomach whenever I thought about her, and you can imagine how anxious my sister was. Luckily, it's over and done now.

- Have been wanting to go to the cinema a lot lately but never had the chance to. Now my sister and I have found an Italian movie that we both want to see so, if everything goes according to plan, we're gonna go tomorrow evening and take a couple of girlfriends with us. Should be a "pizza and a movie" evening and I'm really looking forward to it so cross your fingers that the stars align and we get to go.

- Lately I alternate days when I have previously unheard of reserves of patience with days when the smalles thing can make me lose it. Rollercoasters have never been a surprise for me because I've always gone from happy to sad, peachy to angry, smile-y to teary, in the blink of an eye ever since I was a teen (moody is an understatement with me;) but I think it unsettles people nowadays to find that nothing tests my patience one day, and then the next I'm as impatient as anything. Wonder what might be the cause of this. Stress?

- I've been struggling with the idea of writing a post about all the TV shows I'm watching. On the one hand I always love gushing or ranting about TV, but otoh it makes me feel idiotic to write long posts just for myself because, well, I already know all that I have to say *g* I guess I'll end up writing it because once the idea is there it usually gets written, but the struggle is real ;)

- Speaking of TV, I can't believe people shouting from the rooftops about the revival of The X-Files being "not the series we remember!!!111!!!" It makes me wonder if these people really ever watched the old series. The show has always been campy as hell, it's always had unbelievable, weird, even idiotic episodes - I mean how can anyone forget that episode where they all talked in curse words and it was a long shot of "beeep"s here and there? Or the one about the circus of freaks where at one point Mulder stood there like a GQ model with his hair swinging and in the end one of the freaks *ate* the little murdery thing?? - all this has always been the show's MO. So yeah, I get that when you have 22 to 24 episodes per season you notice all these comedic episode a little less than you do when a season only has 6 episodes, but still. That's how TXF has always worked: you alternate serious episodes and episodes that fed and advanced the mythology with episodes that were comic relief and very very weird. To say that the revival it's not in line with the series it's to prove that you don't know the series at all. Now, I'm not saying the revival was perfect or anything, it had its flaws (and WTF was that finale???) and its problems, but the mere fact that we had Mulder and Scully back was enough to send me over the moon. And yeah, the cliffhanger was bad, very bad, but it gave me hope to get more so how can I hate that? Roll on season 11 and maybe with more than 6 episodes.

- I have fallen in love with Funko Pop dolls and soon I'll be in serious need of rehab. As of now I have 11 of them and I can't see myself stopping soon. I have Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham, I have Mulder and Scully, I have Sherlock, John and Mycroft, and then I have Daryl, Rick, Michonne, and Carol from TWD. I also have a wishlist on Amazon and there are 39 more dolls there.... *shifty eyes* I don't even have the available space to put them! I don't seem to care about little details like that though. Now I've decided not to buy and/or ask for more until July (my birthday) but I don't know how long this resolve will hold. They're just so cute!!!! Please send help...

- I wonder if the people who left us behind sometime stop to think back to us. If they think about things going in a different way, if they ever want to go back and talk more so that we could find a common ground. I do, but I'm not strong or brave enough to run forward towards them, stop them, and ask. Guess I'll never know.

me: the drama queen, television, rl, me: the idiot, ramblings, personal stuff, me, the x-files, me pondering, me: the sap, lj

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