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Dec 31, 2015 14:46

We're about to close this book, people, and hopefully the new one will be better. Maybe we should just hire different writers this time, what do you say? *g*

Let's not do resolutions, uh? No one ever keeps those anyway. Seriously have you ever kept a New Year's resolution? Do you even know of someone who has? If you did, if you do, kudos to you all. I never have. So no resolutions from me this year, just the wish for you all to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of the next in the way that best suits you, be it partying with friends or watching movies under a blanket. Whatever you have planned for this NYE, have a wonderful one :)

Keeping in with the tradition, here's a couple of memes for the closing year.

2015 in a nutshell:

Post the first sentence of the first post of every month. (Unless the first post of the month is a birthday post, a meme or a f-locked one, of course.)

It was nearly impossible to find a viable sentence this year! I seriously posted a lot less and I need to stop completing sentences from the subject lines in the posts... lol!

January: "There are too many pictures floating around on Tumblr about the 26th Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival Awards Gala, you can't post them all on LJ, too. Be disciplined, choose just a couple if you want and the rest you can reblog on Tumblr." - Yep, this was about Benedict *g*

February: Guys, I need your help here. Do any of you remember if the A. in Brian's middle name was ever explained? What does it stand for? Who is Brian A. Kinney? - and this was for a fic. That never got written *sighs*

March: Haven't been around much lately or not as much as I'm used to. I just skimmed LJ once in the morning and once in the evening these past weeks, and my f-list stayed more or less the same for the whole day so I'm guessing no one else is around anymore, uh?

April: Where the hell does time go? In a couple of weeks my sister will be celebrating her seventh wedding anniversary... *seventh*!

May: If there is something no one in my family, except for my sister, eats is zucchini. - The most puzzling first sentence in a post ever! LOL

June: Wow, is this place empty or what? I swear in the past 10 days my friends page has stayed mostly the same. The most I can get to when I skip posts is 20 or 30. In *10* days. It's kind of unsettling... - I'm always complaining it seems...

July: Air directly from the Sahara has taken residence in Italy and we're having a heatwave like none before. - Yes, I am. Always complaining.

August: Following up from my previous post, proof that something awesome can actually get better - Pretty actors with their hands on each other's bums *g*

September: Two youtube videos: one has me in complete and utter awe, the other has me jumping up and down while squealing in a very undignified manner.

October: "Men choose Hamlet because every man sees himself as a disinherited monarch. Women choose Alice [in Wonderland] because every woman sees herself as the only reasonable creature among crazy people who think they are disinherited monarchs." - Adam Gopnik - Still utterly in love with this quote.

November: Pics from the "Doctor Strange" set in Nepal have surfaced, and I'm enjoying them a lot.

December: It's not bad, I mean, it's just the way things go: at one point in your life you're simply too old for many of the things you did effortlessly when you were a bit younger.


Fannish meme for 2015:

1. Your main fandom of the year? Ah. Yeah. Sore subject. I’d want to say Sherlock, or Hannibal, or even The Walking Dead, but you know what? Truest answer is: none.

2. Your favourite film watched this year? Well, as usual, choosing just one is hell for me so I decided to go with the least obvious choice: Inside Out. One of the best animated movies done recently, imo.

3. Your favourite fanfiction read this year? I literally closed my eyes, pointed, and chose randomly here. Too many beloved stories!! The random Oscar goes to: Shadows Where I Stand by Skarlatha. It's a Daryl Dixon/Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead fic, and it's sort of non-zombie AU, but not your average one. Rated NC-17.

4. Your favourite TV show of the year? Yeah, again, just one is impossible, but I think this year I’ll have to go with Hannibal. And no, I still can’t believe they cancelled it. Ugh.

5. Your favorite song of the year? Usually I’m not one for boybands, especially if they’ve come out of talent shows, but The Kolors are the exception to this rule. They’re Italian, from the Italian talent “Amici” and this song was basically the song of the summer here:

image Click to view

6. Your favorite actor of the year? Like you people don’t know already... pffft! Benedict Cumberbatch, of course!

7. The movie that surprised you the most this year. Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I’ve never been fond of the prequels and wasn’t sure I wanted more movies to ruin the perfection of Episodes IV, V, and VI. I was wrong. TFA is awesome. Rey is awesome. BB8 is love.

8. The new show(s) you started watching this year. Well, there’s Sense8, and Quantico, and Outlander, and Jessica Jones. And also Fear The Walking Dead but I’ve regretted that choice.

9. The show you stopped watching this year. The Vampire Diaries. I haven’t exactly stopped watching it because I’m planning to marathon it (read fast forward through it) when the whole season is available. Still, not watching now. It’s freeing.

10. Favorite character of the year. Still trying not to be obvious here (that’s why I’m not shouting Hannibal! Will! Daryl! Rick! Sherlock! And so on.. lol) so I will have to go with Jessica Jones. Not your average superhero, she’s a bit of a mess, sarcastic and rude, and I adored her at first sight. Didn’t expect to like the series as much as I did, tbh. David Tennant might have had a hand in that, too.

11. Most hated character of the year. I think I’d have to go with Ramsay Snow from Game of Thrones. If you watch the show, you know why.

12. Favorite couple of the year. Felicity Smoak and Oliver Queen from Arrow! That’s the very first couple I thought of when I read the question. Then I remembered that for the very first time in my fannish life, a slash couple I’ve shipped since the beginning *is* canon now (more or less... lol!) so I can’t help but change my answer, or add to it, and say: Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham from Hannibal. Love Crime and all, you know?

13. Least favorite couple of the year. Rick Grimes and Jessie, the blond chick with two kids whose last name I can’t be bothered to remember or research, from The Walking Dead. Hopefully, that’ll soon be ending though.

14. Movies anticipations for the New Year? Doctor Strange, for more than obvious reasons. But also X-Men: Apocalypse, Star Trek Beyond, Triple 9 (because Norman Reedus.. lol!), the third movie in the Divergent saga, and Finding Dory.

15. TV shows anticipations for the New Year? The X-Files!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I think Legends of Tomorrow might be good. Oh, and of course, the Sherlock special *and* season 4 (though I doubt that one will air before 2017.) But most of all: did I mention The X-Files?? *squees a bit*

meme, me: the sap, happy new year

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