First of all let me say one thing: Went to report an annoying issue to LJ's support page but it looks like they've already been notified about it. Not that they're doing much to fix it for now, though. Have you noticed too how it's almost impossible to post a comment with an icon that's not the default one? So damn annoying! And then, if I edit the comment and try again to post with the icon of my choosing, it finally allows me to post with that one. Has it happened to you, too? Also, even if it's listed as the first "known issue" on the support page, do you think I should also report it? The more complaints, the better? Or is it redundant?
Now, remember the
book meme I posted some time ago? Apparently there's a companion meme to it: the movie meme. Well, you know me, I love movies and I'm a meme addicted so could I really resist this one? Nah.
Rules: In a text post, list ten movies that have stayed with you, ten movies you've rewatched more than once or pushed your friends into watching or can't get out of your mind.
Sleepers: Because one should always start with their favorite movie, don't you think? After all, if it hadn't touched you, stayed with you and been rewatched hundreds of times, it wouldn't be your favorite, am I right? The first time I watched this movie I went in with little to no expectations. Ok, so the cast was stellar (reason why I let a friend drag me to the cinema in the first place) but I wasn't sure the story would be my cup of tea. I remember sitting there eating popcorns and hoping the rough parts wouldn't make me regret I'd bought them. The movie started and I never got to finish my popcorns. Couldn't look away for the life of me. I laughed, I cried (a lot!), I was enraged and disturbed, I fell in love with the main character, and with the story. Popcorns are highly overrated if you ask me ;)
House of the Spirits: This one was the first movie I watched before I'd read the book, but it wasn't the last. Actually, I find that's the only way I can enjoy movie adaptations of books.. if I read the book afterwards. Otherwise I'm never satisfied and I rant and rave for days. Anyway, this movie is absolutely amazing and Meryl Streep is superb.
The Shawshank Redemption: Speaking of movies adapted from books, this one is - along with "IT" - the only adaptation of a Stephen King's book that's completely faithful to the original. That in itself is high praise for me. This movie, and I was talking about it with a friend the other day, teaches you that freedom comes from within and you can be as free as a bird even when wrongfully imprisoned. Amazing how a story based in a maximum security prison, a story that speaks of murder, rape and violence, can be so uplifting and positive.
Love Actually: I lost count of how many times I've rewatched this movie and I seriously side-eye everyone who tells me they never saw it. A must watch, imo.
LadyHawke: The movie that started my love for Michelle Pfeiffer's acting (and face, tbh.. lol! She looks so stunning in this movie...) It's a wonderful love story: romantic love and friendship love alike. If we're talking about movies that stay with you, imagine what this story did to my 12 years old self...
The Prince of Tides: Cannot believe to this day that Barbra Streisand didn't win an Oscar for directing and starring in this movie. I love it in ways I can't express and both Barbra and Nick Nolte are superb in it. And yes, I did find myself whispering "Lowenstein" every now and then, too :)
The Breakfast Club: OMG this movie! I doubt there is or there ever will be another teen movie as perfect as this is.
The King's Speech: Ok, so I adore Colin Firth and I think he is wonderful in everything he does (he is and forever will be - unless Benedict decides to try his hand at it... lol! - my one and only Mr. Darcy,) but in this movie he is perfection. I didn't know that a single speech could make me feel so proud and so emotional at the same time, but this one did. Boy, did it ever!
Hawking: Because if I hadn't already been in complete awe of Benedict Cumberbatch's talent, this movie would have sealed the deal. He is... no, I don't have the right word to describe just how good he is. If you can find this movie, watch it. You'll see what I mean.
The Craft: The only movie about witches that I've rewatched more then 10 times. Totally well done and well acted. I love it.
And then... what? No... I can't have finished my 10 spots already! God, this was as hard as the book ones was and I didn't think it would be! Limiting these memes to just 10 choices is cruel *nods*
Happy Sunday, f-list!