Day 16 - What is the absolute worst pairing?
*sighs* I hate these questions because this is supposed to be a meme about *my* ships and if I ship a pairing that means I like it, am I right? Questions like these ask me to throw dirt on someone else's ship and hey! Whatever floats your boat, ok? *sighs again*
I could go in the obvious direction and say Brian/Michael because I can't see it, don't understand it and frankly it repels me a bit. But I used this answer days ago for another question so... *keeps sighing*
I don't know... Stefan and Elena from The Vampire Diaries? Not that Damon and Elena is any better, mind you (ok so I just don't much like Elena and think she makes wimps out of any boy she's with *shrugs*) but at least with Damon there's a bit more fun to be had! I like Stefan on his own, or with Caroline, but with Elena... nuh uh.
Or I could go with Arthur and Gwen from Merlin. And not because I'm a slasher, just because they had zero chemistry imo and I never could get behind the "let's make them endgame and ignore, or better yet kill, Lancelot" ploy.
*gives up* Let's stop here. I refuse to "bash" any more pairings that someone out there might enjoy the hell out of.