It's a rainy, grey day over here. The atmosphere in the house is a bit tense for reasons I'd rather not talk about here, too. I'm feeling way too moody even for my standards. A distraction is needed, and there's no better distraction than TV lately. Besides, basically every single show I was watching aired its finale last week so, well, I'll just waste some time and talk about those. Skipping totally allowed ;)
One thing outside of the cut(s): They renewed every show I was watching so yay! But... they took away Revolution... *is depressed* How will I ever live without my gay, bromantic, post-apocalyptic show? *pouts*
Spoilers for everything so be warned. Let's start with the shows which finale already aired, ok?
Revenge: I was so very very worried ABC was going to cancel Revenge! The ratings could be better (and I'll NEVER understand why they're not...) and I'd read comments around the net about the chances of cancellation being high. Luckily my show survived and... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT SEASON FINALE?? I swear no other show ever aired an episode that was such a rollercoaster of emotions. I wasn't even able to stop crying for a scene because the following one required me to cheer. And then came the next and my cheering became shock and the shock then became glee and then... OMG! Awe. Some.
OUAT: This season was divided into two smaller ones and I was absolutely bored to death by the first. That Peter Pan storyline went on forever and ever, and it wasn't even that interesting. Then they announced that the Wicked Witch was coming to Storybrooke and I rolled my eyes. Seriously? Well, I was wrong. I liked it. A lot. And I also very much liked the finale. Except for one thing: Saving Maid Marian and runining Regina and Robin Hood's love story. Ugh. Why? Next season: Frozen comes to Storybrooke. We'll see...
The Blacklist: This show, along with Sleepy Hollow, definitely wins the award of "favorite new show of the season." Wow. Just wow. James Spader didn't age all that well but boy his talent did! He is amazing, a step above the rest of the cast. I adore Red, and I'm more and more convinced that he's Lizzie's father. Those burn scars on his back in the final shot of the finale definitely pointed in that direction. Although, he could be the one who saved her from the fire when she was little but not her father... hmmm. Can't wait for more! Only disappointment: did Meera really have to die?
The Following: My slash-shaped heart is very happy with this show. The rest of me? Meh. I like it, don't get me wrong, but I don't know why this show tends to start out strong and hold my interest like no other... just to lose me after the third episode. The finale wasn't bad, though. Loved those Joe-Ryan moments even if my heart ships Mike-Ryan *g*
Glee: Glee sucks. It suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. So bad. I only watch for Chris Colfer/Kurt but even he can't hold my interest for long at this point. I'm completely annoyed with what they did with every single character now: I used to like Blaine, now I can't stand him; I loved Santana and now she is a washed out version of herself; I adored Mercedes and I can't understand her now; Sam is... no wait, I never liked Sam so there. And Rachel... along with Kurt she was my favorite and they ruined her. Her dream was to get into Nyada: "I will DIE if I don't go to school there!" She forces a second audition and gets in even after Kurt, who ACED his, doesn't. She's in Nyada. But now her dream is to be on Broadway: "I will DIE if I can't play in Funny Girl!" She gets the role and guess what? Now it's bye bye Nyada, you're not needed, I'm a star. She does become a star with her role in Funny Girl but guess what? After a week she decided that what she wants is to be on television. She goes to LA, flunks her audition, almost loses her Broadway show but guess what? The network wants her to have her own show! And she gets it! So now it's bye bye Broadway, I'm going to LA. WHAT????? Just. No. Luckily next season is the last one.
Arrow: I love this little show, I do. Felicity gives me life and I want her to be with Oliver SO much! They had me fooled in the finale with the ILY and I hate them for taking it away. See? Even when I have a het ship, I don't get what I want!! LOL
TVD: Boooooring. Bored to death. Repetitive, uninteresting, vain, too centered on Elena who is a bland character, too many love triangles. But they brought back Alaric in the finale and I don't think Damon (or Bonnie) will stay dead for long so maybe the promise of Dalaric will make me happier next season. Maybe.
Reign: I was bored during the January hiatus so I thought to check out this show thinking I'd abandon it after three episodes. I actually loved it!I do love period pieces and for once the fact that CW actors are all young and gorgeous doesn't irk me too much. Interested in the next season *nods*
Elementary: I seriously didn't like their "Mycroft" but I kinda liked where they went with his relationship with "Sherlock". Not there for the "Mycroft"/Joan pairing tbh, and not happy about the whole "Joan is moving out so I'll get back to heroin and work for MI6" that "Sherlock" has going on now.
Grimm: Nooooooooooooooooo! I don't want Nick to have lost his powers! Please tell me Rosalie can recreate the potion Adalind used to take them away! I don't like Trouble too much so I don't want *HER* to become the Grimm of the show :(
H50: Only here for the slash, tbh. Seeing Steve and Danno calmly walking down a corridor, meeting one another, bantering and then ending it all with an ILY is the best thing this show has given me in a long time. A couple of episodes were taken straight out of a fanfiction! Also, only show that didn't end in a cliffhanger this season. I wonder what that means.
Now about the shows that are still airing...
Hannibal: Creepy flirting = check. Murder Husbands = check. Sexy Will Graham and evil, adorable Hannibal = check. Shocking twists and terrifying murders = check. What more? I wasn't sure about season one, but I thouroughly enjoyed season two!!
SPN: Not a fan but I ADORE Crowley and I cheer everytime Dean and Cas look at each other. I do admit I fast forward through most of the episodes lately (same with TVD, tbh...) but there are still things that interest me. Wonder what the finale will be about this week... I'm not sure I know what the storyline to wrap up this season is... Heaven and Metatron (sp??)? Or maybe Dean and the Mark of Cain? No idea.
GoT: Too many characters, I get lost and can't remember storylines or names. BUT I adore a few of the character/storylines I do remember! Daenerys is the true and only Queen, and Tyrion is one of my favorites. Jon Snow is eye candy, Arya Stark is still a favorite. Also, yay fucking Joffrey is DEAD already!
Devious Maids: Guilty pleasure show. I started watching it last summer because of boredom and lack of things to watch. I admit it's entertaining and it makes me laugh. No other reason for watching it.
Let's end with a few random notes...
Looking: Please don't kill me... I didn't like it at all. I was so ready to love it and I was so disappointed. There is no character I can say I truly like, no storyline that interests me and the actors are, well, bad. Only exception is, it goes without saying, Russell Tovey whom I loved. And Jonathan Groff is not bad, either.
Masters of Sex: Another one I started watching out of boredom and loved it to pieces! Funny, interesting, very well written and acted. Can't wait for season 2! Definitely reccomended.
True Blood:For the first time since it started airing, I'm not really excited for the season that's about to start. It'll be the last and I'm not sure I'm even sad about it. Still I will watch and hope to be proven wrong. One thing: In the trailer they just released there's a distinct LACK of Eric and that's a very, VERY bad thing in my book.
White Collar: How can a network renew a show for a final season and only give it 6 episodes to wrap things up? Boggles the mind. It's better than cancelling it making it end on a cliffie (like it'll happen for Revolution... yep, still bitter about that...) but still! White Collar is such a nice show.. I'll be sad to see it go. Hopefully they'll give it the send off it deserves.
Once again please don't read if you don't want to be spoiled, ok? Now I'll go park myself on Tumblr to ogle at pictures of Benedict and his mother at a flower show *nods*