So, just like everyone else, I have an
account at Dreamwidth (that I don't like much because there's basically nothing of mine there... no pretty header, no cool layout, no B/J mood theme, nothing.) If at all possible - meaning if LJ manages to survive the attacks and doesn't disappear forever - I'd like to keep the DW as just a back up of sort but basically deserted.
Now, I know there's a shiny tool that allows you to copy your entire LJ on DW but I also read that the DW people are overwhelmed by requests to import LJs there and that they're saying that, if you don't wait at least a week before trying, you will be simply put in a queue until it's your turn. BUT, and here's the tricky part, if your turn comes up when LJ is down... you lose the priority and have to start all over again.
So now I'm torn. On the one hand, I'd hate to lose everything I have on my LJ (they import comments, too) and that's why I'm thinking about importing everything there. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind a clean slate over there. A new place with new memories, you know? So it would suffice for me to copy/paste my fics there and I'd be done with it.
My dilemma is this: do I wait a week or so before trying to import my LJ there (because there's no way I'm putting myself in the queue now only to have to start over if LJ dies when it's my turn,) or do I start copying there just my fics?
And, what if I decide to wait a week before trying the import and LJ - God forbid - dies forever before I have the chance to save everything? My fics are posted over at IJ, too, and I have them on my HD so those are already safe. But what about the rest?
What say you, f-list?
Decisions, decisions...
pixiegrl_11 at