
Oct 21, 2009 14:26

I was saying this to felisblanco yesterday. I've been around here for four years now; it's been four years since I created this LJ. Four years. In some way it seems like a very long time... I mean, four whole years! Can you believe it? Where does time go??

But at the same time, when I think about it, it seems so weird because it's almost like I've been here my entire life! How can it be *only* four years? It doesn't seem right because I feel like I've known a few of you forever.

Yes, as you might have guessed by now, today is my fourth LJ anniversary :) Time has passed, old friends have gone and new ones have come. My experience here has changed, for the best I think, and my view of this "online diary" of my life has changed too. What started just as a fandom journal, has now evolved and become a place for me to share basically every single thought that crosses my mind. I love that, this is a place where I can say the craziest things, have the most weird kinks, love the most unusual things knowing that there are people here that understands me and share my point of view. And if they don't, I'm completely comfortable in knowing that they won't judge. Ever.

This is not something that comes easily in RL, so thank you. Thank you so much to all of you for being here for me and with me. Thank you because my life is richer everyday and it's because of all of you.

What I found here is precious to me and I'm well aware that it would have been impossible for me to have all this if I hadn't created this LJ. How else could I have known people who live so far away from me? How else could I have had people from every part of the Earth helping me with the research for my master thesis? How else could I have had chats and long conversations with someone who lives an Ocean away from me, and that, by now, is like a sister to me?

So, thank you for these first four years, and here's to many more to come! ♥

P.S. shinodabear? Can I knock four times too today? *grins and feel all Master-y*

[by thestarlet @ juicy_grapes]

lj friends, lj anniversary

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