Fandom hurts.

Aug 07, 2010 00:37

I seriously hate novel-length stories with a bad ending. Short stories, that's alright. I leech off them when I need my drama and my angst package once in a while. There's nothing like pricking eyes and a blocked throat.

But no one enjoys reading hundreds of pages of full-blown hurt without the obligatory comfort at the end. That's why the genre is called HURT & COMFORT. You can't just pick one, it's not a personal choice! If I wanted to feel miserable and hopeless, I would just read up on events happening all over this brilliant, but imperfect world and I wouldn't have to waste an entire evening on fiction.

And why does no one ever stick the character death tag to the warnings section? There's a reason that one exists, actually. Thing is - no one would read a 200 000 word story if they knew it was just one entire tour de force (well, duh!). Last time I was left dissatisfied to this degree was after I watched Torchwood: Children of Earth (but somehow that was the height of h/c failure really, probably because of the visual support).

So. I shall now proceed to get myself giddy on strange pop music and what's left of the diet coke.
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