Ascendio will host our third Craft Faire as an opportunity for amateur crafters, artists, writers, or musicians to display and sell their products to other attendees on Friday afternoon. Craft Fair sellers must have annual income from sale of such wares that is under $5000. Craft Fair sellers agree not to sell wares elsewhere at the Symposium, but may discuss/hand out printed material throughout Ascendio, and further agree to sell only works that do not infringe on third parties’ intellectual property rights.
There’s a sign-up fee of $25, which only applies to people wishing to display and sell, not to attendees wishing to shop! Fansites, groups and individuals can all participate, and anyone with a Friday, Full or Merlin’s Circle registration can add it to their registration within the registration system.
Anyone who signs up by April 15, and gets us a 50 word summary (plus a url and etsy/tumblr/twitter usernames) by April 20, will have their info included in the Ascendio Program, and on the website.
At Infinitus, we had over 30 creative fandomers participate in the Craft Faire, and hundreds of shoppers enjoyed the browsing and buying experience! Won’t you participate this year?
More info here.