Jul 16, 2007 09:09
I think i'm beginning to find out who I am, which is very scary. As I move onto UCF and begin to move out, you start to realize what your strengths and weaknesses are. You become obsessed with school, studying and the works. At least I did. I just want to succeed and not be like how my family currently is. My older sister was living here at the house with her husband and two younger kids. I like having them around, but you can't help but feel bad for the kids who have to live in a situation where their parents move them around so much that my niece was telling me she didn't know what it meant to stay in one place for long, like nomads. My sister was going to start to work full time for once. My brother in law was also offered a transfer back in Alabama close to their parents. That would mean my sister would lose her job, kids would be transfered to another school, and they would be living with one room and an air mattress. All of them. So it would seem logical to stay here and buildup yourself if you had a choice. They had a choice. The first day after my sister begins to work, she was bitching the whole time and she okayed to move with her husband back to Alabama. As much as I love my sister, that was a fucking idiotic move. I feel really bad for those kids who wants a mother that does not want to work at all, meanwhile her husband can't support them thoroughly because he's been through 10+ jobs(no exaggeration). If I were my sister, I would need to do SOMETHING so my kids could live in some comfort. I wouldn't want my kids living that kind of life. They don't deserve it. Her kids don't deserve it either. It's terrible, but what can you do? It's funny how when you're a kid, you view adults as knowing everything. Adults seem like they know all about life and other adults know everything too. When you become an adult yourself, you realize not all people you encounter are great.
Well i've been studying for Physics this morning. I think i'll do okay, just need to briefly review before I go take my test. I've been seriously sick though for a week and a half. If I don't get better, i'll have to go see my doctor. At work yesterday I almost lost my voice, and had to ask a coworker to help spiel for me at the Buzz Lightyear attraction. I feel terrible, but I can't rest. I have to do a Physics lab today after school too. I think because I can't rest i've been exaggerating this cold for longer than what it should be. Somedays you just get so tired you HAVE to drop your plans.
Jason asked me this question, and I was shocked beyond belief. "Do you want to marry me one of these days Amy?" I was like O_O because marriage seems like a far cry from my reality of school/work. I said I would consider it once I got out of college and I could see him more often. He's such a great guy, but he's so tiny. 6 feet tall and 125 lbs. :P I always bug him to eat food, it seems like it's the opposite for me. I need to stop eating. Hahaha.
Well I need to go. Physics is at 9:45 and it's almost 9:30 right now. Toodles!