theposthumans application

May 17, 2010 17:20

Player Name: Kris
Personal LJ: twbasketcase
E-mail: k_rotten [at] hotmail [dot] com
AIM: shattershot07
Other characters currently in-game: None

Character Name: Warren Worthington III

Canon source: X-Men/X-Force/Marvel-616

Warren is a man of many different shades. On the outside he comes across as very stuck up and arrogant; his self esteem was always very high growing up and he was an over achiever. Excellent athleticism, popularity, news tabloids, red carpet treatment, and his family’s wealth had always been a huge factor in his show off attitude and confident social skills. Warren is a hit with the ladies and knew he was a good looking man, as well. Flaunting his confidence is not an issue. He had many friends as a child, and even the manifestation of his mutant abilities did not discourage him from his go-getter attitude. His abilities are seen as a blessing of sorts, and he always tried to find a way to use them for the greater good (ie rescuing people from fires, stopping petty crimes on the streets, sneaking out of bed at night to patrol, etc).

However, after getting his wings amputated and replaced with his metallic ones, Warren’s angry and temperamental side became more dominating to his personality; his fuse was very short and he had the tendency to brood often. Though he was severely depressed and enraged at the outer appearance he was given, he did not lose the will and strive to succeed. He continued to work very hard to build Worthington Industries and kept his business savvy mind very focused on his enterprise. Warren is very driven with his work, especially as a form of distraction from his heroing life. Warren's brooding and temper problems got worse with the split personality. He can fly off the handle at any given moment, and is unpredictable enough to attack his own teammates if he is too far gone (in his Death persona, of course, which brings us to that...)

The Death persona is controlled by a programming of sorts, consisting of a 'survival of the fittest' mantra, and has the tendency to repeat things like 'only the strong survive' and variations of it. He is chaotic and bloodthirsty. Mutants always take precedence over humans. He is fearless, rash, and completely insane. If Warren is feeling severe anger, rage, or fear this will trigger off the Death persona. Apocalypse being in his vicinity will trigger off the Death persona. Warren can try and fight this as much as he wants (and he does), but it doesn't always go his way. Death's psyche is just as strong, if not stronger, that Warren's normal one.

In short, Death is to Warren currently just about as similar as the Hulk is to Bruce Banner. He's an alter ego and an uncontrolled enigma which affects his personality greatly.

History: Right hurr

- Experience working with telepaths and building mental walls
- Experienced pilot
- Experienced in hand-to-hand combat
- Is trained in the use of firearms, and knows how to handle both swords and knives (naturally).
- Very business saavy
- Very social and charming
- Flight
- Peak physical human qualities (strength, speed, metabolism, endurance, durability, etc)
- Healing
- Shapeshifting (Horseman of Death form)
- Superhuman sense of direction

I have a very in depth explanation of his powers here and attached to his history if needed.

- He's a little ADD. Warren had a lot of problems in school because he couldn't sit still long enough. Being grounded for long periods of time makes him very antsy and unfocused, and he needs to get up into the sky and fly many times throughout the day.

- His split personality. Warren has very limited control over his Horseman powers, and that has proven to get the best of him at the worst times. It makes him not only a liability, but very untrustworthy. He's also been shown to lose control of his Death!wings, and they have the ability to fire off their knives even if he doesn't want them to.

- Pretty ladies. I'm not even lying, even Marvel lists this as a weakness. They can sway him with tears and big round eyes...or seduce him as simple as a snap. Warren has also been the victim of lots of sexual assault, abuse, and verbiage so I guess that may count as a psychological thing, too.

- In order to win one over on him in a fight, he seriously needs to be knocked the fuck out physically (or by a powerful telepath). And even to do that is hard, and would probably have to be done by an extremely heavy hitter (not even Wolverine can stop him without stabbing him through the chest repeatedly, and even then its only enough to snap him out of the programming).

Preferred drop-in point: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

What are some of your plans for this character in their new environment? Well I like the idea of New Mexico because Warren is so used to living the flamboyant high life. He owns lofts, penthouses, buildings, and homes all over the world and has more money than he even knows what to do with. Playing him in a setting where he's unable to have any of those things will be a huge wake up call for him, and I'm interested in playing that reaction out and how he copes being away from his team and stuck in...well basically a shit hole.

First Person Journal Sample:
Well, I wish I could say I've stayed in worse conditions but that's, unfortunately, not the case here. Which is pretty bad considering I've been to space and spent a few nights in the sewers.

[A long drawn out sigh goes here; someone sounds very annoyed.]

All right look. My name is Warren Kenneth Worthington the Third. Other big news publications and tabloids call me Angel, as well. I'm with a team called the X-Men. Familiar? Anyone?

I just need to get back to where I was. I've got a mission and I sure as hell am not standing around here while that has to be done, so if you'll kindly excuse me...

Third Person Sample:
There was no way Warren could stay here. There was a war going on and X-Men were dropping faster than flies last he checked, so how did he end up here? Certainly this was no death.

No. You are too strong to die.

Then what? Some mind warp? Telepathic attack? Timeline fail? Maybe this was some big idea of a joke. It wouldn't be the first time something so ridiculous would happen to Warren, so it wouldn't be a surprise; San Francisco's little hippie fiasco had been proof enough of just that. Besides, it would have to be a nightmare if someone was actually expecting him to stay inside of these rat infested dumps like they were an actual excuse for a hotel. He'd seen cheap hookers over in Mexico with better taste than this!

Warren Worthington did not stay in anything called the...Sands? Sands Hotel? Dear Lord, was that a fucking Route 66 sign!? NO. This was a disgrace to his name and his legacy and everything he'd ever worked for!

"This is not funny!" he screamed at the sky, and actually stomped his foot in the gravel--exact mirror replica of the inner spoiled brat that still lived inside of him. "Scott! Bobby!? Where the hell are you guys!?"

No answer.

"I swear to God if this was Bastion's fault I will fly around this dump and kick your metal ass!"

Still, no answer.

Shit. He had to do something. In his line of work, there was no such thing as standing around with his thumb up his ass and waiting for something to come along and happen. No. The only way things got resolved was by taking a proactive approach and fighting his way out of there--and fighting was something he was very good at.

Better than the rest, Death, yes.

Growling to himself, Warren shoved the voice away to the back of his mind before clenching his fists and storming up to the hotel. There would be no more killing today, if he could help it, but that sure as hell didn't mean he was about to stop trying to find a way back to the battle he was supposed to be in right now. Priorities had to come first.

NOTES - I talked to K about linking to my other app for history info because all of Warren's wikis and whatnot are very incomplete. Since my C&C history wasn't up to date (I'd originally apped him from Zero Tolerance) I rewrote a lot of the stuff I'd used on that app and added it here (personality, powers, etc). If that's not okay for whatever reason, just let me know!

Also, how would the micro-chip affect characters with strong personal regeneration? Is it somehow able to stay in their bodies without being rejected and pushed out?

application, player info, ooc, theposthumans, character info

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