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Jun 27, 2009 13:25

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Name: Warren Kenneth Worthington III
Age: 28
Birthdate: August 16
Birthplace: Center Port, Long Island, New York
Bloodtype: A positive; also underlying techno-organic formations.
Dominant Hand: Right
Eyesight: Superhuman/Enhanced

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Blonde (normal)/ None (Death form)
Eyes: Blue (normal) / Blue, White, Black, or Red (in Death form depending on how pissed off he is)
Skin: White (normal) / Blue/Black/Silver marked (Death form)
Other facial features: Black and silver Apocalypse/Horseman markings in his Death form

Favourite food: Steak
Favourite colour: Red and blue
Favourite movies: Action, sci-fi, comedy
Favourite books: Business and sports section of the newspaper
Favourite music: Rock, Jazz, Sinatra, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dave Matthews, Incubus, Lenny Kravitz, club music, and pretty much anything else he can dance to.
Favourite animal: Birds, of course!
Favourite weather: Sunny, clear skies, warm
Favourite sport/physical activity: Baseball, football, soccer, and most recently basketball.
Favourite date spot: Fancy restaurant, dance club, the sky
Preferred type: Independent, strong, good sense of humour, attractive, educated.
Best subject: Economics and business

Disliked food: Junk food
Disliked colour: Yellow
Disliked movies: Chick flicks
Disliked books: Fantasy, romance
Disliked music: Heavy metal; Alanis Morissette's 'Ironic'
Disliked animal: None
Disliked weather: Snow
Disliked sport/physical activity: None
Disliked date spot: None, really. He's not picky
Disliked type: Rude, bossy, unambitious
Worst subject: Science

Description of bedroom: Neat, large, stylish; a big closet; and a massive bed since he doesn't like sleeping with his wings all folded up.
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): Cologne, after shave, shampoo-- probably all quite lavish and expensive. He's picky about his outer appearance.
Laugh: Short, loudish, charming in an infectious sense.
Sense of humour: Usually good. Can be sarcastic, witty, and likes to joke with his close friends.
Temper: Short. He can get annoyed and irritated quickly, and he also hates when things don't go his way. If he's pushed too much it can trigger his alter ego.
Basic nature: Social, energetic, and adventurous (normal). Angry, obnoxious, violent (Death form)
Kinsey rating: 1

Spends money on: EVERYTHING. He is a money whore.
Daily rituals: Working out, business meetings, dance clubs, basketball, missions. He also likes to sneak out on his own to do some vigilante work when he can.
Random trivia: He usually flies 70 mph, but can and will reach speeds of over 180 mph (normal). Over Mach 1 in his Archangel form.
Currently wants: Control over his mutation, to further his business career; start more charitable organizations.
Dress (style, colors): Likes expensive suits and form fitting, fashionable casual wear. Usually dresses in reds, blues, and neutral colours like browns, tans, and whites.
Current occupation: Stock holder; CEO of Worthington Industries
Marital status: Serious relationship.
Current Residence: Utopia, Greymalkin Industries, and Angel's Aerie in the New Mexico Rockies

Sun sign: Leo
Decanate: Aries
Moon sign: Cancer
Rising sign: 25°58' Leo

Dominant character traits: Ambitious, center of attention, generous, brave, independent
Likeable traits: Fun, adventurous, energetic, romantic
Annoying traits: Stuck up, short temper

Love interest(s): Psylocke, Candy Southern
Lust interest(s): Dazzler, Jean Grey, Charlotte Jones, Husk, Sally Floyd, Moondragon
Close friends: Iceman, Beast, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, Psylocke, Nightcrawler, Dazzler.
Other friends: Wolverine, Cannonball, Domino, Cable, Shadowcat, Rogue, Havok, Polaris, Marvel Girl, Jubilee, X-23, Elixir, Colossus
Acquaintances: Vanisher, Warpath, Deadpool, Fantomex, Stacy-X, Valkyrie, Gargoyle, Cloud, Black Widow, Hercules, Spider-Man, and Thor.
Enemies and why: Cameron Hodge, The Right, Apocalypse, Stryfe
Family: Warren and Kathryn Worthington (Parents), Burt (Uncle), Warren Sr (Grandfather), Mimi (Aunt)

Habits: Big flirt; gets grumpy/cranky when he's stressed; runs his hand through his hair
Talents: Flying, charming the ladies, sports, working the stocks
Hobbies: Working out, football, basketball, flying, racquetball
Entertainment of choice: Dancing, music, his friends
Musical talents: None, just dancing.
Ambitions: To stay rich
Educational background: Short stay at UCLA.
Philosophy of life: "I hate philosophy."

Introvert/extrovert: Extrovert
Intuitive/reasoning: Reasoning
Optimist/pessimist: Pessimist
Tense/relaxed: Relaxed
Serious/carefree: Used to be more carefree, but these days is a lot more serious.


What is your earliest memory? Climbing trees in the backyard.

What was your biggest disillusion as a child? That I was invincible.

What's one thing no one knows about you? I can't stand looking in the mirror some days.

What's one thing everyone assumes about you that isn't true? I didn't work hard to get where I am.

What's one thing you wish you could stop? The oncoming extinction of the mutant race.

What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have? Destroy Apocalypse

What are you a sucker for? A pretty lady

What's your biggest pet peeve? Hodge in any way shape or form.

What is your most prized possession? My wings.

What can absolutely make your day, no matter what? Flying

What's the worst part of your life right now? Death

Do you have or want children? Maybe someday. If I still can

If/when you ever have children, what is one thing you absolutely want to teach them? To be what they want to be without being afraid to do so.

What was the worst advice your father ever gave you? The best? 'It's all about the money'. Best and worst, somehow.

When did you feel you'd finally 'come of age?' The day I got my wings.

How do you feel about sex? It's amazing.

Describe your ideal significant other. Tough, strong willed, life experienced, attractive, not shy, educated, adventurous, a thrill seeker, open-minded, athletic, funny.

How do you deal with depression, stress or sadness? Go flying

How do you think of yourself? I like to think that I try and be the best that I can be.

How do your friends think of you? Hopefully the same.

How do your enemies think of you? It would seem they are often jealous. That sort of thing just seems to follow me.

Who is your biggest role model? Myself.

What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Helping stop Apocalypse and Hodge; all the lives I've saved.

What has been your most humbling experience to date? Giving Betsy a piece of my life force.

What will it take for you to die happy? Just to know that the mutant hate was done and people could live to be free as themselves.

What would you rather be doing right now? Probably flying, to be honest.

meme, ooc, ic

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