THE QUIBBLER Issue 4- I used to be sane, but I got better

Aug 25, 2008 14:41

Quango Meeting this Tuesday

This Thursday Quango shall hold another meeting, open to all who wish to attend. Bring your ideas, optimism and umbrellas. Plain clothes Aurors and MLE shall be in attendance. Anyone wishing to attend should meet Miss Luna Lovegood in the foyer of the new Ministry of Magic.

Free Cake.

American Witches tried for destroying 100,000 wombs

A rogue group of witches in North America met once again in their 23 annual meeting to discuss how to further torment the world, only to be promptly arrested by American MLE. Many are questioning why the arrests took so long, given the very public nature of this group of dark witches. The American Minister has so far said this, "These curses on such a monumental level are very hard to pinpoint. Anyone can claim to destroy crops, or wombs, but proving what was done by magic's hand, and what was natural is something that takes time to figure out...sometimes 23 years."

It is estimated that the group are responsible for some 100,000 wombs destroyed, 23,000 crop failures, the death and disease of some 67,000, and the birth of 15 blind kittens which were then not treated very nicely at all, this year alone. Thankfully the cats all now have loving homes. At least that's one story with a happy ending.

From Your Quibbler Correspondent: Luna Lovegood, 'The Truth Behind the Lies and the Lies behind the Truth'


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