2015 so far

Jan 05, 2015 22:39

I didn't really make new years resolutions as such just to spend more time doing things I enjoy, to improve on my existing hobbies/skills and to challenge myself more.

We are now 5 days into the new year and  this is what I have done.

Things I enjoy:
I have seen 3 films in the cinems (The Hobbit pt3, Hunger Games pt3 & The Theory of Everything)
Seen 5 blu ray/DVD films (The Hunger Games pt 2, Divergent, I frankenstein, Pompeii, Hawkin)
Been to London to see the South Bank christmas market (did not have fun but I got myself out the house and tried so it counts)
Made 2&1/2 fan art graphics (1/2 because ones a varition of the other) and started prep work for a new manip

Challenging things:
Cooked a roast meal for my house mates (this is a chalange for me, I don't cook and I've never done a roast)
Eaten a meal by myself in the pub

Impoving my existing Skills:
Spent a hour or two learing french (I bought a supcription for Babel last year, but spent little time on it)

Things I still want to do by day 7:
Start reading a book, note to self fan fiction is not a book, ( i read a total of 0 last year)
Work on my sewing skills
Work on my photography
Stop pressing the snooze button on my alarm clock (tbh don't see this one working out)

resolutions: i haz them

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