Jun 09, 2012 03:24
No not the 2 for 1 offers in your supermarket on canned goods or shampoo, the kind you get on tickets to attractions, concerts and train fares, meals out, that kind of 2 for 1.
Now you may think me crazy and maybe I am, you probably think how can you not like free stuff? But the truth is these offers do nothing for me, in fact when ever I see those offers they offend me a little, they mock me for being alone, but everyone has someone you can invite out they say, surely you can't be that friendless that you don't have one person to take with you, and take advantage of our offers?
Now days it seems every offer is geared to wards groups of two or more people, by one meal get another free, buy one ticket and second person goes free, four or more people travel by train and get a third off. These offers are everywhere, but there are no offers for single travellers, concert goes or dinners. What good is a second free meal to me when I'm dining alone? It serves nothing aside to put me off eating or going out alone. I can't find a friend to take out, I save nothing on any 2 for 1 offers, and what good is a second meal when I'm dining alone? I can't eat two meals, and having a second plate sitting there with no one to eat it makers me feel a pathetic loner or some kind of pig that scoffs twice the amount of food they should.
In fact single people are some times persecuted; ever heard of single person supplement? If you holiday alone you'll pay more for the privilege. Even when renting a house being alone presents a problem no way can I afford to rent a place on my own, but with two or more people sharing the prices are suddenly dramaticly more affordable. Even in house share such as I'm in now just paying for one room in a house, I'm paying far more than if I was renting a two bed house with a friend and spiting the cost.
At best these offers only serve to make me feel alone when otherwise I would be fine about doing something I'll enjoy alone. At worst these offers make me feel de valued, unwanted and unimportant just because I don't have a partner or even a friend or two I can call on. These offers seem to say we don't value you on your own,on your own you are worthless, so no offers for you.
I may be mad for thinking this way, for letting something like this even register at all, but can't there be just one or two offers to cater for single people? Among all those buy one meal get another free offers, can't we have just one, buy a main meal and get a desert free? You know something useful for a single diner? Something that says hey it's fine to eat alone if you want, we still value your custom.
i don't have a tag for this,
woe is me