Jun 05, 2012 18:56
I really hoped I was done with the woe is me posts, but I just need to vent, to get it out my system so I can move on.
I am currently as you might have twigged very upset. Work is being a nightmare again. I did bring this on myself but it still isn't fair, and its my time of the month I'm hormonal and prone to tears.
This is what happened I left a post-it note on bosses computer that I had made plans for my day off and would be unavailable to work that day. This is what the note read.
Dear (insert name here)
Just to let you know I will be unavailable for work on the 24th of due due to prior commitments. Claire
My boss was extremely unhappy and told me this was the last occasion she was authorising as I have asked to be unavailable on far to many days. Bear in mind this is my rota'd day off as has been every other request I've made. Boss has told me if I make plans for my day off I need to tell her in writing if I don't want my shift changed. I thought a post it note was adequate, boss did not, and said how did I think a post it note was acceptable and that it was very rudely worded (see above).
I was understandably I think, not happy. I pointed out it was in fact my day off and I was not asking for time off as with previous occasions. She told me I was contracted to work 5 days a week and need to be flexible and she has never said no to me so far. I said I understand and I know I need to work weekends from July onwards but this was my day off, she repeated the contracted 5 days shit. I said are you telling me I can't make plans on my day off? She then went nuts and said IN MY OFFICE NOW! I am not arguing with you.
Funny I wasn't arguing I was asking for clarification what she appeared to be saying was that I could not make commitments for my days off. Apparently that's not what she was saying its just if I make plans and she needs me to work I must cancel plans to work even if I have booked expensive tickets. How that is not telling me I can't make plans on my day off? I don't have money to waste, and as boss is aware I request not to work because I have booked a visit to see my friend in jail. If my name is on the visiting order and I can't go no one can go in my place and that is unfair to his family.I won't do that to them.
Long story short(er) Hormonal me starts crying boss goes mental brings up the horror yearly review from two weeks ago and says this is another example and I have made no improvements what so ever in my mood.
Later I calmly ask for a meeting with my boss and ask if I have really made no improvements because I've been trying I really have. NO she says not at all, but that she understands changes don't happen overnight but i need to make them, she then goes on to repeat the talk from the yearly review about how I won't be a successful photographer unless i improve my moods because you can't take good pictures in a bad mood, she asked me to agree I refused and said no can we agree to disagree because i would not like to start another argument (Sore one for me, for sticking to my guns without being rude).
I made the mistake of saying that I was sorry I was hormonal and prone to tears because it was that time of the month; boss had the gall to suggest I seek medical help for this said I shouldn't be to proud to ask for drugs to help with my mood.
I think I may talk to my GP about depression now, because I just cant cope with things like this, but how dare she tell me I should seek treatment!
woe is me,
work: i hate it