
Apr 17, 2011 22:12

Today I went to see Frankenstein live at the National theatre; it was every bit as amazing as I'd hoped. With the benefit of hindsight I wish I'd chosen to see Benedict as the creature rather than Victor but he was amazing as Victor regardless.

Getting to the National was hell, I was on a smelly, noisy over packed train, with no room to move and feeling claustrophobic and desperate to get there all ready, so I could get off that dam train and finally breath. Once off the train I proceeded to panic over having no idea where I was going. However by 2pm I was sitting in the National bar with a overpriced Vodka and coke waiting for the performance to begin and life was bliss.

I found my seat easy enough once in the theatre despite appalling labelling, and while I was a bit high up in the circle having to look down at the stage from above, I was dead centre in the first row, and the view was pretty amazing. I was so dead centre that the rope for the giant bell above the centre of the theatre was hanging right in front of me, a minor irritant I was able to ignore easy enough, except when it rang right over my head and jumped so badly I nearly took a short cut over the edge to the stage below!

As I already expressed the performance was amazing and I was totally captivated start to finish. The scenery was equally wonderful, and I loved the steam train coming though the centre stage, and the stage sets that rose from beneath the stage.

Having seen the role reversal in the cinema I'd say Benedict's creature was a little more vulnerable and yet also slightly darker and more malevolent while JLM creature had more of a childlike wonder and innocence.

As Victor Benedict made the character slightly more likeable and redeemable to the audience, while it was clear that Victor was no moral champion who brought a creature to life because he could and then abandoned it, Benedict played him as more of a misguided mad genius scientist that had a vulnerability too him, as came though in this exchange with Elizabeth

Victor: Why do you need to see me?
Elizabeth: We're supposed to be getting married!
Victor: Oh, so I'm expected to-
Elizabeth: Talk to me on occasionally yes!
Victor: But what if I haven't anything to say? What as I meant to do then?

Although the same lines are spoken by both actors, Benedict's Victor came across as more vulnerable, awkward and flustered, like he wanted to be a good husband but hadn't a clue because he'd missed all steps while locked up in this lab from a young age too fascinated by science. So lost in this fascination he hadn't noticed right or wrong in the wonder of it all, or the kind of man he'd become not questioning if something should be done, just thrilled to be able to achieve it.

And his admission to the creature at the end that he doesn't know how to love because he threw every opportunity away is all the more heartbreaking for this portrayal; as is his earlier admission to Elizabeth 'I will try to love you'.

The scene when the creature thinks victor is dead 'Don't leave me alone. You and I are one' has to be one of my favourites although the end with them walking into the distance and their presumable mutual destruction is fitting.

After the show ended I was on a high and walked aimlessly around the embankment by the theatre till I saw the crowd outside the stage door. I was to tempted to join them and really wish I had, but I felt too nervous and afraid to do it on my own. I've met actors I love before mostly I'm too nervous and shy too say hello and just embarrass myself if i do get to say hello.

I sat outside for a bit trying to work up the nerve to join the fairly small crowd and catch a glimpse and a autograph, but I just didn't feel I could do it, despite how much I wanted too. I hate myself for that. I shouldn't be scared to get a photo and a autograph of a actor I really admire. It's not scary or hard but I was too terrified and convinced myself that if i did do the stage door thing I'd either not work up the courage to say anything or I'd humiliate myself somehow, and it was best for me to head straight home so I was back before it got cold and dark. I don't know, if I'd been with someone, another fan, I could have done it I think, but on my own I'm too much of a wimp to do something that could make me so very happy.

Still despite my regrets over not doing the stage door thing, I had a wonderful day to treasure. I'm so glad I decided do this, even if it was only the once.

benedict cumberbatch, sometimes life is aewsome, this little thing called reality, frankenstein, where fandom colides with real life, i fail at life

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