Ændreas Klassen ~Heitere zweite Tat des Kapitels

Oct 27, 2006 18:22







how common I feel. what real pain or steel? I long for a way. my hatred must fade. I'm losing control.
A wold that no longer wants me a place where I can no longer use my power my abilities that seperate me from the rest.
Something is fading again but I long to return it. Time... This thing keeps leaving me here behind but I want to catch it.
and when I do I will kill him and the rest of those who betrayed me. One time I was so small and vile
but we are never innocent as well all long for a way to dominate our creators.

Tears fall like hammers to the ground. as does a spiral of nothingness and false vessels consume this place.

watch them as they sway to the lust want for what I'd had in abundance...

And you...

You walk with this fear in your eyes.

Sheets of flowing vacancy mock the forever we seek, and rob us of flight and torment. See them flying?
"You'll never taste the stars as I have...
The black fluid pours into time but white embers keep it from purity.
I want these to fade from my site like blood leaving the starbound.
Today is the day that I scrape my pale sores accross land.
To summon forth the pains and anguish that long left this terran far before my lost fathers slept.

Lay amoung these rootes

In a maiden may I plant this seed well...
To manesfest a future fit to serve a triumphant asend.
Within this flesh sore I transcend...

And crush the spirit of the white wolf!

To be as the black cut limb.
I feed as a infected sin.
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