Ruby City App

Oct 22, 2010 15:46

Name: Tracy
Personal Journal: shadowsinchaos
E-mail: (though lately, I'm not getting email alerts from anything)
AIM: turbotracy14

Name: Aqua
Canon: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Timeline: End of BBS, directly after creating Castle Oblivion Canon updated to when she's in the Realm of Darkness, on the Dark Margin with Ansem - 10 years have passed in the Realm of Light

First Person:

[Waking up on a train...]

Where am I?

[When did she get on a train? And where was Ven?? She had been taking him into the castle, to the Chamber of Waking.

The train is... coming to a stop now. Aqua takes her keyblade, Eraqus' keyblade, and walks out without any hesitation. Where ever she was, it wouldn't matter, she'd get back to the Lanes Between and go home. But... While can't she open the way into the Lanes Between? That's when she notices the watch on the ground and picks it up, looking it over.

Unintentionally activating it, everyone gets a clear view of a blue haired young woman.]

Oh, it's not just a watch. I see, is anyone out there? I can't leave and I have something important to do. My friends need me, I can't let them down.

[She walks around the train station.]

I don't recognize this world. It's nowhere I've traveled before and I've been to quite a few worlds.

Third Person:

Aqua gripped her keyblade tightly, the keyblade that Eraqus had once used. It was hers now, though she wished it weren't under the circumstances of his death, and her need to transform the Land of Departure. She hadn't had the chance to properly mourn his death, and still didn't but the tear that ran down her cheek didn't agree. He had raised her, and Terra, since they were kids and used wooden keyblades instead of the real thing.

Aqua stared at the keyblade in her hand. It wasn't hers. She shouldn't be using it but... Was it selfish of her to want to hold onto whatever she could? To hold onto memories? Aqua didn't think there was anything wrong with it, it helped keep her spirits up, helped keep her believing in the light.

"I'm not going to let them down. None of them!" Aqua says strongly.

application, !ooc, g: rubycity

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