Gathered info

May 27, 2012 14:20

Name: Watcher
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Powers: Unknown

Presumed deceased

Name: Interloper
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Powers: Unknown

Presumed deceased

Name: Temper Vale
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: Approximately 5'10" or 5'11"
Powers: Some sort of "siren song" he can change what a person does by talking to them. There has been record of attempts of attacking him only to have the weapon turned back on the owner but no solid proof.
Attitude: Tranquil on the surface, but far more deadly and in control than he lets on.

Removed the wall because he seems to prefer the current view.

Name: Gene Jecklin, "Theodore" or "Theo"
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Brown-black
Height: Approximately 6'
Powers: Unknown
Attitude: Very willing to talk, calls himself the "black sheep" of the group, tense relationship with Temper.

Name: Dil Blackwood
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark-- black/brown
Height: Approximately 5'8" or 5'9"
Powers: Unknown
Attitude: Superior, deadly.

Name: Tim Lear
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: White-blonde
Height: Approximately 6'
Powers: Unknown
Attitude: Unstable

Name: Chassie Barrows
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Dark-- brown? Black?
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Height: Small -- appears to be a child
Powers: Perhaps some form of reality manipulation-- she once made it appear that the whole city was a fairy-tale world for up to a month.
Attitude: Child-like, uses very childish form of speech, but is not to be thought of as a child, given her powers.

Name: Chari Landry
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: Unknown
Powers: Guardian of Chassie, otherwise unknown
Attitude: Rather sweet and kind of vapid, but don't be fooled. Claims to not want to hurt anyone but does when she's "not herself". Thinks something inside her is "broken" which is why she loses control of herself.

Name: Atien Moore
Gender: Unknown -- assuming male
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: Unknown (Apparently average)
Powers: Unknown
Attitude: Quoted from Temper Vale: "Very quiet. Very slow to act and react. But his mind is quite sharp, despite the glacial pace he may take."
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