Jul 27, 2007 09:59
Upcoming change! Look out! WOO~
My last day at Kroger is July 31st.
I'm going back to Marietta College -- assuming financial aid pans out for me. But I've already been accepted. I'll be visiting the campus on the second week of August (the first full week) in order to see about getting my classes scheduled, financial aid aided, and my housing determined.
While there, I'll be attending yet another wedding: my cousin Joanna's. When I return to Hurricane around the 12th, it won't be long before I attend another wedding: my father's. He's getting remarried on the 18th. (After that, that's five weddings I've attended in the last year, six if you count one that I was unable to attend but was there in spirit!) Then in the last week of August, it's back to Marietta, Ohio for two years of school, save next summer.
All these weddings have me wishing for post-degree career-estabilished stability even more, for the day when I too get married. *sighs dreamily* (Such a girl. 9_9; )
Hopefully going back to Marietta College -- for an English degree -- is the step I need to take toward that stability, and repaying my $52,000 in student loans (that will probably come close to doubling over the next two years -- Marietta's expensive and I'm not as eligible for grants and loans as I used to be; but perhaps I can get a scholarship, since my GPA is undergoing a cleansing again.)
Why Marietta, why English? Westwood taught me a number of things (in between being upset with its quality of service and lies). I may be very skilled at using and servicing computer software, but I am not taking very well to programming. I could of course blame the very poor teachers I was given for programming, but I have to assume that partly I am responsible as well. As for why Marietta: being the college at which I have spent the most time, it is also the college at which I have the most credits. As such, I do not have to worry about my English classes transferring over. Finally, English is what I am closest to finishing after my much-neglected Japanese.
English has always been my first love, and being able to use English well is truly my foremost skill. I am confident about my ability to put my love for language to use to begin a career post-graduation, with the help of Marietta's excellent career center, and a minor in either business or education... I'll have to consider those options themselves in the coming month.
I can see myself as a teacher, and the idea is growing on me, but I know I won't make much money in such a path. As for business, it wouldn't be something I love doing, but it would help pay off my massive loans more quickly. It's a tough decision....