Ok so it's not today, which means as always I'm late, but hey this Sunday it WAS someone's birthday!
DUDE! Dean! Cake no good? Or you just miffed that it was Mayor Boreanaz that brought it?
Speaking of bringing stuff... I come bearing presents!
I know you prefere old-school-XF-DD but this was just TOO good to pass up! He did after all help us get the best ep so far!
I don't know Dean... When did you last see it? I mean I've seen another pretty car though!
I SWEAR I really AM looking at the car!
Don't worry I've called in a search party to try and find Kaz :) One of the FBI's finest looking mighty fine himself !
See I told you we'd find it!
Once again HAPPY be-lated BIRTHDAY Sahweetie!
I hope the next year will be filled with love and laughter. I for one can't wait till March 24th! Thank you for being you!
LYTB&P! Poetic Pasta! Freak!