I am SOOOOO tired today! Boyfriend is working too much which means he's not around much, which means Her Highness misses her Dad very much so! It also means she's not sleeping all that well... Which means I don't sleep all that well which means I'm tired which means I'm not doing so well with my temper and that creates tension which again adds to the lack of sleep. See how that goes....
Eitherway, I'm hoping that this weekend will help. So far our plan is to do nothing.
Last weekend was 'interesting'... Actually saturday wasn't that bad. Her Highness went with Boyfriend to the office and they hung out there most of the day, which left me with time to myself which was great.
Sunday we went to the local zoo/safari park thingy... with M-il... Yeah...
Now Sunday started out good. I was feeling kinda good about myself. Fitting into my white jeans... hair behaving... Her Highness had had a shower without any sign of the Mini-Hulk and the coffee was working it's way through me. So yeah I was feeling on top of the world... right up until M-il came along; takes a look at my face and says; "wauw that's some epic acne you've got growing there!"
Ok i'll admit that yes i do have one just between my upper lip and my nose and yes I'll admit that it hurts like a bitca and it's sorter swollen and redish, but really it's NOT the worst I've ever had. Infact it didn't even rate bad enough for me to feel like I had to put on make-up for the day.
ONE ZIT! ONE!!!! For me that's pretty much like having none!
But yeah M-il apperently felt she needed to poke at it... Classy M-il! Real fucking classy! Do you see me pointing out that you look like an underfed lizard? That your social skills rival those of Dr Sheldon Cooper or that I'm beyond baffled how your oldest Son grew into being such an amazing, loveable, generous, amazingly hands on father and all around well ajusted man with a mother like you? Or how about this little gem that more than likely the fact that you subjected him to cigarette smoke and various other chemical products during his early life is why we can't give you more grandbabies... No I don't! So how about you shut the FUCK UP about stuff I can't really help and just have to find a way to live with. And how about IF you do feel the need to ask about it DO NOT DO IT infront of my LITTLE GIRL! I'm the one who had to explain to her why I actally ended up putting on make-up.
Maybe it's just because I'm a little hormonal (the callendar suggests I'm right) but yeah even 3 days later I'm still rather upset. she F*CKING KNOWS that I have a condition going on! Why can't she F*CKING think before she opens her F*CKING mouth!?!? Oh well it's just my face we're talking about here... My F*CKING face! My actual litteral face that I show the world! The same face that on monday led to a stranger telling me that I'm kinda pretty-ish. So really it can't be THAT bad!
Have to say though, that Boyfriend was amazing. He said; "oh that... yeah well that's nothing, worst thing is the pain which means we can't really kiss". My eyes were already getting a little misty from having my number one insecurity pointed out like that so really it wasn't fair that he said someething as supportive like that, but yeah. He even said; "she's doing everything she can, she even went and saw multiple docs about it!" the underlying meaning being; shut up Mom it's none of your business!
what really makes this almost laughable... Some years ago M-il told me that she didn't want to be the same kind of parent/in-law/grandparent as her own mother had been... Guess what... that stunt she pulled on Sunday; copy paste of something HER MOTHER would have said!
No wonder my kid and her dad actually preferes to go see my parents!