The title comes with duties #38

Mar 06, 2012 10:29

First of all I saw these on


Which means y'all have seen them too, but yeah I think they are pretty so sue me! Seriously Jared you have to stop... Stop being so frigging inhumanly gorgeous even after stepping off an aeroplane! You are making the rest of us look bad! Still, I have some hope for humanity... after all... Oh Jared... sigh... WHY OH WHY do you insist on wearing stuff hooked onto your belt!?!? Be it a cellphone or in this case keys. I get that it's hard to keep track of stuff, trust me I'm been in my fair shares of panics (current issue is the fact that I can't seem to find Princess I's and mine passports) because once again I'd missplaced my keys/vallet/phone/ipod/whatever, but Jared, honey! YOU AIN'T BATMAN! So no more utility belt - ok?

The shirt, beanie and jeans however - oh I would friend those on facebook! Actually the duffle bag too! (infact I sorter kinder want one of those for myself!) EDIT: so I did a little google-foo on it, and it's an  Ralph Lauren Oakbury duffle bag, which ONSALE at amazon is still a f*cking 798$ bag?!?! Yeah no way in hell I can swing that! Still, I want it!

Also I miss Sam Winchester like WHOA! So much so that my noturnal self has started adding him to my dreams which is VERY ok with me!

Now It's been known to happen before that I have dreams about men that I lust after from afar - aka the men that I watch on tv and form strong feelings towards. Sometimes those are 'real' people as in I'll dream about the person who plays the fictional character on TV and/or film or it will be the fictional character that holds a main role in said dreams. On rare occations I'll get both. As were the case of the other night.

The reason this dream stuck with me is the level of detail in it that took even me by surprise. You see for some reason I was hanging out at some retreat or something where one Jared Pada-something also happened to be chilling out. Think it could have been in Brasil, but I'm not sure. Either way it was gorgeous and warm and all together heavenly so yeah Brasil sounds about right.
Anywooo - I strike up a conversation with Mr Pada-something because whatelse are we supposed to do right? Now one would think that I'd be trying to hit on him right? I mean this is MY dream after all, and it's not like it will effect the real world right? (and it being a dream it would actually work right?)  But nope, even while sleeping I keeping thinking, he's married and have a baby coming any moment now. I'll just talk to him and be a friend and NOT lust after him even in secret. (!!!) It made for some good chatty times about life and History and parenthood and such. Now comes the even weirder part, which is something all dreams have right? JP said that he knew who I was too. As in he knew me from the interwebs, from here on LJ to be specific (the EGO of dream!me huh?!?) and that he knew that the person aside from Boyfriend (first and ONLY mention of him in said dream... should that worry me?) that I was really in love with was actually Sam Winchester and that was the reason he was there in the first place, because he wanted to make sure that I actually got to meet Sam. And then... Up pops Sam motherfrigging-Winchester! Not as in; Jared goes into character, Nope as in Jared's there and Sam's over there. Two different beings! Double the hotness in one place and little ol'me right there with them! Sadly from here the details go all foggy, I can only remember glipses of goodness (if you know what I mean ;p ) but I do know that JP left to go talk to help Gen with something and left Sam and I to get to know each other (again, I'm adding eyebrow waggle here people) In any case I woke up feeling really good and kinda sad that the dream ended because it was that much goodness.

jared padalecki, team!sam, sam winchester

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