Jul 15, 2008 10:15
Yes I'm sticking with that - even if I still haven't been able to watch "Doctor Horrible"
Why haven't I been able? Because I'm outside of the US. Yes that's right G - our 'fears' came true. BUT have no fear! The cavelry is here! The Cavelry is a frightened guy with a rock but it's here. Sorry Just had to go there! come on BtVS 'Becoming' part 2 it's a classic people. If you haven't already watched all of BtVS, ANGEL, Firefly (Yes R I'm looking at you here!) and Serenity I say: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?!?
So if I haven't been able to watch it - why haven't I de-declared it not-Joss-Whedon-day-after-all-day? Because of this:
A message from Joss Whedon re: International Viewings
Today at 9:29am
From Whedonesque.com
Dear... I want to say friends...
I Can't tell you what a thrill it was for me and Jed and Zack and Maurissa to gather round the comp-fire and await the launch of our musical... and find out it wasn't playing in many many places. And get slammed. And slammed. Yay team! Team of slamming!
The fact is, we're dealing with big companies that have moved more quickly on this venture than they've ever had to. We've always been clear about getting this out to everyone, but that just isn't as simple as we'd like. (At the last minute we found out about a Canadian restriction involving it having to be in French simultaneously...) We (well, mostly Jed) have worked to the point of delirium getting this out to you guys, and yeah, we're experiencing technical difficulties. Bear with us. We're (well, mostly Jed) trying to make this work for everyone as soon as we can. It's not thoughtlessness, or jingoism, corporate evil or scurvy. It's just new. We'll get you there.
For those of you who HAVE seen it, isn't it dreamy? Thank you for all your comments. They buoyed us much. Sadly, we really just phoned in the next two eps, so it's all downhill. Jestage!
And now, I fly! (Coach.) xoxo -j.
So I have faith in the Master of me! (yes G the t-shirt is still fit-able, a little less loose around the belly (to say the least), but still very much wear-able, just too bad I don't have no pants to wear outside the house.)
Hey who's up for some Firefly tonight? G and I had a BLAST last night with 'Out of Gas' and watching it together via MSN. Also bonus goodness about Firefly - if you watch it you don't have to take out the trash!
doctor horrible's sing along blog,
joss whedon,
joss whedon is my master now