:0 Hello there, people!
UvU Let me tell you how was my day today (even if nobody cares)
Today my mom woke me up at 8. I stayed in bed until 8:30 because i went to sleep at 00:27 (or something like that, yeah) and my mom had to kick me out of bed (not literally Erm, got up, dressed up, drank tea, and we hit the road~ 8D
Uh, we were driving in dad's car for a hour or so.
Also, apparently the season for sunflowers is over, they're all dead. Why is their season so short >:0
erm, so anyway, got there at 9:53 and went to look for SHOES.
Agh, I also need a new wallet, since I use my mom's old one and it's really torn up and annoying ;_;
We forgot to buy one in the end (did look thought! found some nice ones~) and only bought two pairs of shoes, one for me and one for my mom.
After buying shoes (in Bilo Center, btw) we went to buy some food because I was hungry and we all wanted some ice-cream (since it's so goddamn hot thanks to global warming. Being one minute outside makes you all red and sweaty ;; ) in "Carl Berg" or w/e it's spelled in english.
Bough 3 ice-creams, one popsicle, cheese, meat, water, etcetcetc. Also got my first snack in months! /sob ;v;
Also, listened to so much jazzy-classic music I think I'm gonna puke mozart or something, ugh. Thank goodness I have master showing me addictive songs. Pfft.
....I have an urge to listen to the magical flute sang by miku. Uh, anyway, now it's 12:46 and I'm finally home, eating my snacks! <3
There's a class party at 21:30 and I have to bring pizza-bites and stuff. meh.
I don't really feel like going anywhere, but I'll have to go anyway (in my new shoes~) "orz
I can't. pfft.