Post Birthday Action!

Jun 25, 2010 23:11

So it was my birthday yesterday, making me now officially 19! UGH I'M SO OLD.

Not really. But anyway, it was a fun birthday! I raked in some serious loot, by which I mean video games and money. Specifically Super Mario Galaxy 2, Soul Calibur 4 (I SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED WITH CHARACTER CREATION. IT IS TOO ADDICTING FOR A CREATIVE PERSON LIKE ME), and Pokemon Heart Gold! And a pre-order of Continuum Shift, but that doesn't come out in a month, so yeah. Oh man, but when it does I will pretty much disappear for a week straight. There will be no denying my new lord and master BlazBlue CS and it's pure awesomeness not to mention DAT ASS ohgodMu'ssohot

They're all lots of fun so far, too. In Heart Gold I have named myself Asa MK2, who is the robotic double of Asa. He is followed by a cyndaquil which I named BANG, after the fiery manliness of BANG SHISHIGAMI. And, as previously stated, in SC 4 all I do is make all my characters. So far I've got three, and like a million ideas for more. But I need to unlock more clothes! Ahhh so addictiiiiing, even if it can be super frustrating. And then I have to make all my favorite characters too... Oh, and Super Mario Galaxy 2 is just lots of fun. It's just the right kind of sequel, keeping things similar but making it more challenging, bigger, and adding cool new ideas.

In other news, I decided that I'll probably use this journal to talk about my story ideas. Just cause I never get to talk about them but I have so freaking many, and I figure writing about them might help me think them through/flesh them out/etc. But not in this post, cause it'd make it way too long!

Also this thing will be the death of my dA journal. Oh well, no one likes that thing anyway.

birthdays!, video games yeah!, story ideas?!, pokemon, blazblue, soul calibur, ahhh so old, mario

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