I'm not dead! Really!

Dec 26, 2009 23:35

/blows dust off LJ

I should really do more with this thing than letting it sit and collect dust but, eh, whatever. In fact, I don't think I've logged onto this thing in months. Then again, I've been on a semi internet hiatus recently, at least socially so. This was not helped by me having all my final art projects lately, either. I actually managed to do marathon painting for 7 hours straight till after 3 in the morning. And finish an animation 5 minutes before class. Ahhh, art school. But my hiatus will come to a close, since I'm feeling kind of lonely lately due to not really talking to people, and I feel I must change this somehow. Hopefully by using the wonderful powers of the internets I will surely counter this! It will also counteract my recent RP hiatusing! Tao is surely sad and dead. Of course it's Christmas now and everyone's on vacation so I'll have to wait on that one but whatever. Motivation has been built and that is all that matters.

Speaking of Christmas, Merry (belated) Christmas! I have now increased my video game arsenal to include Muramasa: The Demon Blade and Lost Odyssey. I haven't really played the latter yet (thanks to stupidly leaving my 360 at my college apartment till today) but Muramasa is fun stuff so far. It looks fantastic (next gen 2D games FTW) and slicing people up is awesome. I mean, anything that incorporates my name's origin should be awesome. And crazy air combos are always a plus, after all. I think more games should incorporate them. Whether or not it would fit the game. Think about how awesome a boring WW2 shooter or another sports game would be if you could launch your enemies into the air and just go nuts on them! I'd totally play those games then. Maybe racing games too. I DON'T KNOW HOW THAT WOULD WORK BUT IT WOULD BE AMAZING.

I have also become completely addicted to Umineko no Naku Koro Ni. The visual novels. Even if the art is silly. The second novel was just so much better than the first, it got really attention grabbing towards the end. I think I played straight to the end as soon as red text was introduced. The whole battle of wits between Battler and Beatrice is particularly engrossing. Besides who wouldn't love something where one character describes herself as super paper, which is "far more awesome than normal paper." It sounds just like something I would say! Clearly the best witch ever.

Unfortunately, I haven't really been watching much lately. Except for the final Kara no Kyoukai movie. Which was AMAZING. Though I am sad it is over, it finally actually explained everything that was going on. And the big bad was just nuts. Like, insanely nuts. Except that one scene involving gratuitous amounts of saliva was kind of unnecessary. Seriously, who can make that much saliva?! Must be a side effect of eating people. And being absolutely insane.

Also, new Demetori album needs to be out right now. Stupid doujin artists and their need of conventions to release awesome rocking musics. At least i only have to wait 4 days!

rp stuff, video games yeah!, umineko, christmas, so ronery ;~;, demetori, muramasa: the demon blade, air combos are awesome, kara no kyoukai

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