Writing Prompt: NaNo

Dec 26, 2003 19:16

How did you first hear about NaNo? When did you first participate? Why did you decide to start?

I heard about NaNo from an e-mail I'd received from one of my mailing lists. The subject was "NaNoWriMo is coming soon and I'm geared up...". I'd assumed it was spam and tossed it into the "Trash". Then, out of habit, I looked in the trash folder to make sure I wasn't throwing anything important away. I finally opened up the letter about WriMo and checked out the site. I read over the FAQs and joined. A little over a month later, I'd completed a novel. 50,043 words. I didn't do any much padding (I only had a character sing the first bunch of digits of pi a trillion times to show how he was going insane...never for wordcount, lol). Then I joined WriYe and am currently signed up to do four novels, ranging from 50k-150k. Writing starts next Thursday!
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