Chemo Round 2

Aug 12, 2010 12:21

in about an hour. Hopefully won't be as bad as last time. After this, only four more to go!!

I had a port a cath installed today. Now I have TWO holes on my right side. How come the origial cancer site is hole free but the secondary cancer site is chock full of holes? WTF?

Having the portacath will mean no more needles or IV's and thats nice since lately my veins run screaming anytime we go to a lab.

In other news, we got Bekahs school schedule, and she got one of the three teachers that celina said NO NO and HELL FUCKING NO. ( she had him too as a teacher) So we went to change teachers, and lo and behold, he is the only one that teaches Math 7. So it looks like I am going to be homeschooling her in Math which is her first class of the day, but on one week she only has math 2 times and on the other week its 3 times. A and B days are sooo weird.

Thankfully its Math 7 and not Prealgebra cause we would be fucked. I have to learn pre algebra all over myself, and I can't teach her what I do not know much about anymore.

Our other option is to put her in the Math OC class which is for kids who reallllllly have learning disabilities, but she doesnt have an IEP and probably won't qualify because she has always maintained A's and B"s. And I don't want her to have that stigma. Being aspergers is stigma enough, lets not add to it please. So I would rather homeschool her for that class. The office lady said she could possibly just get us a book from the Mat 7 class and follow along in the actual book.

It's up to the district though.

So I will handle that next week when I am back to being my normal self after todays' round of chemotherapy.

OH! and I got a killer of a steal on a carseat for Gabriel. We have one, and we just move it back and forth between the cars, and it's a pain in the ass. Well to buy the exact one he has is 149.00 at walmart. I had posted some baby stuff for sale on KSL of Gabriels, and was scrolling through the car seats looking for the ad I placed for his infant car seat adn I saw his exact carseat for sale for 40.00!!!!

Went out there, she was missing the buckle piece because they only used it for the booster seat (its a three in one seat- 5pt harness system,high back booster and then can be a backless booster) so I called the company and that piece can be replaced including a whole new harness set, so I said if you will take 20.00 I will replace the piece. So she agreed and wa-la we now have two car seats, they can both be installed tightly and remain that way. Bugs the hell out of me when I get it in there tight as a drum and still then have to take it out to put it in her car!

And not only that= she sells essential oils and she gave me samples of peppermint and physical touch and I started boasting a terrible headache again ( damn chemo side effects!) and I put the peppermint oil on each of my temples nad 5 minutes later the headache was gone! Poof! I think I am going to get into the essential oils business and start trying to sell it. The peppermint was initially for nausea too, plus we bought some ginger stuff to help. If I can avoid nausea meds during the day, and only take them at night ( so I can sleep) then I would like to try that. Cause the one nausea med give me a migraine from hell and the other one knocks me out!!

So we shall see. If I feel up to it tonight I will get on her website and check it out.

Now I should go rest for 15 mins before I have to go get my chemo infusion..

portacath, essential oils, chemo, gabriel, carseats

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